I am so mad at that man for being an a$$ and not paying his dues.
Since he was to cheap to pay the $75, I doubt he had any HT preds.
Probably a cheap NECA fan.
OK...so what I am gathering here is that those who think this guy's house should have burnt down really can't justify thier position.
I am not surprised.
This is sad. I feel for the animals. However, this is an entitlement issue. I get so sick of people and their need to feel entitled to services that they do not pay for.
Sideshow doesn't ship you your PF for free and then ask you to pay for it later do they?
If you don't pay your cable bill guess what? No True Blood for you.
The issue at hand and what makes it shocking is that a home was burnt down and animals died. So it seems very dramatic and horrifying. However, it's as simple as paying a bill. I don't understand why people feel entitled to everything for nothing out of pocket. I can picture this guy telling his neighbor over a bud how he decided not to pay and how he is showing them by not paying his bill. Now all the sudden his house burns down and they are the bad guys? Seems silly to me. We all pay our taxes, bills, and so on in this country for a reason.
Because they are in a rural area they have to pay extra. It's a greater distance and they CHOSE to live out there.
I understand what you are saying but where do you draw the line? They are opening up themselves for bigger lawsuits. If they were to save this house and then the same thing happened to someone else and they did nothing it would be worse. If you make a rule you have to stick by it. There is no situational circumstances. A rule is a rule. Plus the resident was obviously informed about this. You pay you get service. You don't you don't. It's really that simple. It would have been a better story if the community banded together and help put it out. However, they paid their dues and could care less about someone elses property until they are interviewed by the media. Then all the sudden it is tragic to them.![]()
I actually want to agree with this. However, I'm a realist and simply can't. Say I stop paying my electric bill. I just don't feel like it. I happen to have electric heat and it's September. The weather is warm and I'm NOT paying a dime. I wait it out and then comes November and shat it's 20 degrees outside this morning. I go to turn my heat on and guess what? It doesn't work!Should the electric company turn it on right then and there in the goodness of their hearts in hopes I will pay later? I don't think so. That makes no sense to me.
Hell chances are if this guy can't pay $75 he probably doesn't even have insurance on his home. So how is he going to pay $75 at a later date when his house just burnt down and he has no insurance to cover it?
I pay quarterly fees just so some guy can hop off a truck and take my trash. I assure you it's almost double the annual rate this guy had to pay for fire support. If I don't pay I surely don't expect someone to take my trash.
Also this would be a whole other issue if the family was struggling and went to their local officials for help and were denied after trying to get it. However, that's not the case. They simply refused to pay.
No it's not pathetic. You are captured by the media's spin and the dramatic nature of the story.
And yes, paying your electric or gas bill is important where I am from. Please don't be so naive. People have died in the cold and heat because the refuse to pay bills necessary to both heat and cool their home. And they are humans!
You are referencing the entitlement issue we have as a country to a T sir. I don't want to work so I'm entitled to benefits and food stamps mentality. You aren't just given those services. They come at a cost. However, people only see this country with a WIFM mentality and that's what's tearing us all apart.
In it
I would also like to add one more thing and I will be done. It's with this entitlement issue. I hate that word so much!
The bottom line is people feel entitled to all sorts of things and yet do NOTHING about it. If this community felt entitled to have protection against fire without paying they have 3 options:
1 - Simply do nothing and take the risk (clearly what the resident did)
2 - Go to a public function and try to voice their concerns to the officials at hand. (Probably across town and they don't go that way. Just like said idiot that didn't want to drive across town to pay their bill)
3 - And this is the big one. The one that would make us evolve and get past these types of issues. Band together and make your own inter-communal fire department. Why not? Damn the man right?(However, easier said then done. The community would then realize that fire protection comes at a cost. A far greater cost then they are willing to pay. Not to mention who would actually show up to a blaze? After all they are entitled to be able to watch Monday Night Football and God forbid a fire break out on that night.)
Also check this out.
Remember, this guy is not a resident of the city with the fire department. He pays no taxes to that city. The service is offered by the city to outlying areas. He admitted that he had a fire there before and that they'd made an exception to their rule for him before, allowing him to pay the fee the day after they responded to a fire at his place (actually his son's house, but at the same location...Gene Cranick's words in an interview with Keith Olberman). Even after that, he didn't pay the fee the following years, saying, "I figured they'd come put it out even if I didn't pay."
He knew he didn't pay. It's that simple. Like everyone else he felt entitled to benefits and services that he REFUSED to pay for. I guess it was a matter of principal to him. Well this is what happens. I just don't see why this is hard for some to understand? Plus read the comments from Woodsy from an actual firefighters point of view. It all makes sense.
OK...so what I am gathering here is that those who think this guy's house should have burnt down really can't justify thier position.
I am not surprised.
To me, it's not an issue of whether or not the fire department did anything wrong; they should never be put in such a situation. Things like fire and police departments should never be "opt in". They should always be funded through taxation.
Thats how it is here. Our taxes pay for the service.
Personally I couldn't have been more clear. What don't you understand?
Ok.....so what I am gathering here is that those who think the fire department was wrong really cant justify there position.
I am not surprised.
What makes you think I don't understand it? Yes, you were very clear. Your argument was simply too weak to justify your position.
This is cute. But it is a weak way to debate a point. I would like to learn why the fire department is justified in letting this haouse burn. And so far...all of the argument for the firefighters has been a contest to see who can say "the guy didn't pay his 75.00" in the most hateful manner. And if that is the best argument that side can come up with, then that side of the debate loses because they guy could have paid it after the incident and in the big picture...it would have ended up that he made the same contribution as everyone else and when he made it would have made no difference.
What makes you think I don't understand it? Yes, you were very clear. Your argument was simply too weak to justify your position.
This is cute. But it is a weak way to debate a point. I would like to learn why the fire department is justified in letting this house burn. And so far...all of the argument for the firefighters has been a contest to see who can say "the guy didn't pay his 75.00" in the most hateful manner. And if that is the best argument that side can come up with, then that side of the debate loses because they guy could have paid it after the incident and in the big picture...it would have ended up that he made the same contribution as everyone else and when he made it would have made no difference.
Sounds like you missed the post about the interview where they guy said this had happened before to him - and the fire dept. made an exception - and then he still didn't pay.
If they let one person pay as needed, everyone would pay as needed, which would result in the fire department not having the necessary funds to operate. It's pretty simple.This is cute. But it is a weak way to debate a point. I would like to learn why the fire department is justified in letting this house burn. And so far...all of the argument for the firefighters has been a contest to see who can say "the guy didn't pay his 75.00" in the most hateful manner. And if that is the best argument that side can come up with, then that side of the debate loses because they guy could have paid it after the incident and in the big picture...it would have ended up that he made the same contribution as everyone else and when he made it would have made no difference.
Sounds like you missed the post about the interview where they guy said this had happened before to him - and the fire dept. made an exception - and then he still didn't pay.
This is your opinion. Hell IMO there is no debate. Or even better how awesome would be it be for all of the residents to refuse to pay their bill. I'm sure if you were a tax payer in the city and since you feel SO strongly about it that you would be willing to agree to a tax increase then? Why not? You could pay everyone elses bills for them. In fact I think you should write your local congressman and tell them how good hearted you are and how you would like to have your taxes increased immediately to help out eveyone else.
Let us know how that works out for you?
You can't tell me if they added additional taxes to the city folk to pay for the rural folks fire coverage that it would just be a quiet deal. Yeah sure the city fold would be happy to pay right? LOL! Boy I can see that on CNN.![]()
No I posted that. However, that apparently doesn't matter. We SHOULD ALL GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE!
If they let one person pay as needed, everyone would pay as needed, which would result in the fire department not having the necessary funds to operate. It's pretty simple.