Super Freak
The problem comes from Luke's age. Luke's story in the first film (see what I did there?) is a coming of age story. Luke is meant to be 20 or 21. Ben's age would mean Luke is mid to late twenties. If Luke is 26 or 27 begging to go to school and leave the farm he suddenly becomes a pathetic and weak follower, eh.... what was I saying?
Luke is 19 in ANH and Ben is 57, all they did was have Alec Guinness play a role that was 5 years younger than himself, and Mark Hamill play a role 5 or 6 years younger than what he was in real life. It hardly pushing the believability factor.
Sean Connery is only 12 years older than Harrison Ford, yet we can use our imaginations to believe he's Indiana Jones' dad