Seriously, we are driving the prices of these toys by paying ridiculous prices. Hot toys has noticed this.That's very public spirited of you!
would you take $2999.99?
Please stop saying they'll never do it again guys. This just feeds the frenzy. They have never given an edition size, and they can easily make new sculpted versions, 2.0's, Dx's or another company gets the license and even KO's. Even Disney could be tempted to jump into this market. Star Wars is huge and they will keep making these as often as they can.
So, the single pack or double pack Stormtroopers are not part of this reissue plan?
Seems like they are not getting reissued. Probably means that ESB/ROTJ/Rogue One Stormtroopers will be released.
S.P.A.C.E said:This item was sold out and is now being reproduced by the manufacturer!
Seems like they are not getting reissued. Probably means that ESB/ROTJ/Rogue One Stormtroopers will be released.
That would be the ideal solution, and all (iron men) logic points to this. The ESB troopers will likely have stunt-style helmetsand the only other difference would be the color of the frown anyway. So they would mix just as good as any other trooper.