I guess I did go offtopic a bit, didn't I?
When it comes to toys, what I mean is history is history, and I would never tell people they should or shouldn't display whatever they want. I would hope that by displaying any historical figure that they make an effort to learn about them, both the good and bad things, and make their own judgements aside from the black and white we're spoonfed in school. And stick by your judgements, regardless of who tells you you're wrong, because if there's no discussion in the world, then there's no compromise and no change.
And here I go sidetracking again...ha!
As far as Hitler goes, he was crazy, no doubt, and I don't mean to make him any less so. I was really referring to the average German person who had no food, struggling to get by who got swept up in propaganda. I don't mean to put Hitler in a "good" light by any means. I'm just saying there's always shades of gray, and making definitive statements about good and bad are all relative. I've been to the concentration camps, read stories of survivors, threw up at the sights and sounds...the Nazis did terrible, terrible things, no doubt. But it's history. Not some movie you can point to and say "good guy," "bad guy," "person to be idolized" and "person to be villified." It's history. Not Indiana Jones!
Plus, as I made reference to before, where do you really place the blame for Hitler? On Germany? I don't think so...I think you place the blame on all the countries who worked on the treaty of Versailles and destroyed the German people. Again, Hitler was awful...but ALL the Allies...the U.S. included...can share the blame for him. Gray. All shades of gray.
And thank you HairlessWookiee, perfect example of what I'm talking about