Nerf Herder
I have something evil in my pants....
TOTALLY agree. At least the Nazis were real crazy people with historical value...Joker's just a product of a sick, sick mind.
I will put a question out there.
So would an Osama Bin Laden figure be offensive to own?
Or any type of figure that depicts a terrorist/Hijacker?
Same thing would apply, its a historical "display" So you'd have him on display along with say U.S. soldiers capturing him.
For the record, they DO make a Bin Laden figure already.
I can't say i would own a Bin Laden figure, the man is a POS on a stick but!, if someone buys a figure of him then i don't care, just as long as they don't support his views, same for Hitler or Stalin.
That said, I was a history minor in college, and that really taught me to look at things from multiple perspectives. History IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTOR. There is no good guy, no bad guy.
thecapn said:No fact that one way of life is better than another, just opinions. I highly recommend the works of historian Howard Zinn to you all - what he does is look at the history of the US from the perspective of the "losers," the Native Americans, the South, the revolutionary poor. You may not agree with his views, but they show just how much is twisted in history classes today. We're taught black and white stories - Washington and Lincoln are heroes, Hitler is the bad guy, etc. The U.S. is never wrong. And that's a load of bull.
thecapn said:Was Hitler crazy? YES. But what the rest of the world did to Germany following WWI was wrong. WRONG. Oppressed an entire country, making it ripe for a psycho like him.
thecapn said:You really think all Nazi's were bloodthirsty killers? I don't.
thecapn said:A lot of them were just young men who felt like they had no choice.
thecapn said:I feel bad for them, and the way they're depicted.
thecapn said:A lot of them did horrible things, no doubt. But a lot more still just wanted to serve their country and didn't know what that entailed until it was too late.
thecapn said:I know I'm rambling here, but I guess what it boils down to is, history is history. We shouldn't forget it, but we should never say this guy is bad and this guy is good. Because you didn't walk in their shoes. You don't know what life was like. And you never will. It's easy in the movies to look at good guys and bad guys. But don't apply those rules to history, because REAL LIFE doesn't work that way.
As far as Hitler goes, he was crazy, no doubt, and I don't mean to make him any less so. I was really referring to the average German person who had no food, struggling to get by who got swept up in propaganda.
thecapn said:I don't mean to put Hitler in a "good" light by any means. I'm just saying there's always shades of gray, and making definitive statements about good and bad are all relative.
thecapn said:I've been to the concentration camps, read stories of survivors, threw up at the sights and sounds...the Nazis did terrible, terrible things, no doubt. But it's history. Not some movie you can point to and say "good guy," "bad guy," "person to be idolized" and "person to be villified." It's history. Not Indiana Jones!
thecapn said:Plus, as I made reference to before, where do you really place the blame for Hitler? On Germany? I don't think so...I think you place the blame on all the countries who worked on the treaty of Versailles and destroyed the German people. Again, Hitler was awful...but ALL the Allies...the U.S. included...can share the blame for him. Gray. All shades of gray.
This is exactly what I was talking about when I told Wofford his underlying premise was wrong. Just because you can sit and point out evil on two sides of a conflict, that does not make any act of evil less evil, or any act of good less good. Has subjectivism really made intellectuals this lazy? Or is there an ulterior motive to painting Axis and Allies in a morally equivalent light?
What I have had history teachers tell me is that America is good. In fact, they've gone so far as to call it the best. Which is a pretty clear objective assessment of the country's history, even after taking into account all of the bad things done by Americans. I imagine that it would not be an assessment possible to those who think that because Americans have done evil, it somehow invalidates everything of value the existence of the country has been the cause of over the last 234 years.
They didn't have to be killers to be morally culpable. Where is any party without the support of the rank-and-file?
They had a choice, but they were either too weak, too stupid, or too...um...evil to make the right choice. Over and over again, one after another, they did it. F---them.
They didn't bother to understand what their country stood for, what the motives of their neighbors were, what their own motives were, what serving their country would entail, what was truly right, and what was truly wrong. They didn't bother to think at all. They got exactly what they deserved.
Propaganda is nothing more than therapy for the converted. They know damned well that the point of view they are attempting to live by is a lie, and they need regular doses to help them maintain their conviction. Propaganda is epiphenomena; it's not a cause.
And when their utopia failed, did they turn the other direction? Did they change their economic philosophy? No. They threw all of their support behind the man and party who promised to bring them true socialism. Again, f--- them.
I'm fairly certain that the internment of the Japanese (even if it was committed by one of the most anti-American Presidents ever---and he did it because his viewpoint was evil) and the persecution of Communists by McCarthy (even though the Communist party should be illegal---because the Communist viewpoint is evil) was covered every year that most students were old enough to understand what was being taught. So were the Indian Wars. So was slavery.
We were not responsible for Nazi Germany. Neither were England or France (though we could have refrained from offering them loans, England could have refrained from appeasing their military build up, and France could have refrained from bending over for them; none of those are fundamental causes). The only people responsible for the actions of the Germans were the Germans. F--- them.
"each according to his need"![]()
I prefer "each according to his merit" personally because do nothing lazy ass people have "needs". Whats a person who has loftier goals than simply meeting "needs" to do if they're work and earnings are stolen from them and given to lazy ass people? They themselves get lazy.
The fundamental flaw with communism is that it takes all incentive out of doing something for your own good which might also have positive merits for society at large...such as starting your own business which could employ people and help multitudes prosper. In communism the only way to truly prosper is by being the military backed tax collector and spending other people's money to employ what ever fancy that tax collector fancies...usually building up the same military that collects the taxes to maintain power and corruption.
Pretty sure thats why communism is evil.