The actor's likeness rights were included in their contracts in 2001 when Reloaded and Revolutions were filmed in Australia. I heard it's a different story now, that likeness rights are not available or something.
here's a tip. Watch 1,2 & 3 all back to back (and even throw in Flight of the Osirus at the right place). It makes them much better. The reality is the original is a standalone movie, 2 & 3 really need to be watched as part of a trilogy.
Part 1 was a rip off of Grant Morrison's comic 'The Invisibles'.
Warner Brothers helped kill any controversy over that since they own DC comics as well (which published The Invisibles)
But for part 2 and 3 they had to stand on their own two feet....and that didn't work out well for them at all.
They've stuck to officially adapting other works since...
The second and third instalments were considered a load of shight by a lot of people sure, but the groundbreaking status of the first film would warrant at least Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and Agent Smith one would think. I'd still pick up all of these if they came out. And Persephone, don't forget Persephone![]()
Why havent we scene any Human Figures from Hot Toys!?