I think as soon as HT showed any figures from these films it would hype people up for The Matrix again. If they ever can be done, they should go ahead and make them.
I'm not sure at this point in time if I would have any interest in buying them. There is just so much more that I would rather have. Maybe if the price was right.
There are some cool possibilities with the line and the arsenal of weapons for a lobby Neo and Trinity would be endless.
There was a time when I would have bought the ____ out of a HT MATRIX line, but now my hype for this series has died out. I dont even have an urge to pick the movies up on Blu-Ray. Its just kinda like a "has been" type franchise to me now.
Its weird how a persons tastes and stuff changed throughout your life.
It would be nice to see HT do it though.
There was a time when I would have bought the ____ out of a HT MATRIX line, but now my hype for this series has died out. I dont even have an urge to pick the movies up on Blu-Ray. Its just kinda like a "has been" type franchise to me now.
The sequels, yeah. But the first one is cinematic history, imo. A revolutionary sci-fi classic.
I just dont get how Neo, Morpheus, Agent Smith, and Trinity have not been made by Hot Toys. There are endless possiblities of how many characters and robots they could make. They would be top sellers.
It's funny, but in recent years I learned to appriciate the sequels more. I enjoy the bigger storyline and all the outside of matrix stuff in part 3.