Super Freak
First thing with pet ownership whether it is one or ten is making sure you are first ok. If you are not, then they won't be either. I'm talking more financially then anything. Vet costs are not cheap at all if something goes south with a pet. Let alone if you get an unexpected car or house bill. You don't want to put yourself in a situation where your looking under the cushions for gas or food money. We have two german shepherds, two cats, turtles, chameleons, and a snake. The only ones that show any kind of care for attention are the dogs. The others only when they are hungry! Anyway, make sure you are more than set financially before bringing on more. Unfortunately, good gestures can sometimes not be good ideas. Best of luck!
What Prax said. Be responsible. Think not only with the heart, but also think with the noodle (brain).