Wow..are you seriously trying to lie now to everyone here?
You KNEW this was a recast of the SS piece before you ever bought it.
Here are a few posts of yours from The Hive trying to get info on the recast compared to the SS original.
Of course, since The Hive does NOT support recasting, we advised you not to get a recast.
"Specs: Sideshow Alien Warrior 1:1 RECAST VERSION Pre-painted Product Size: H (53cm) xW (41cm) x L (91cm)* Weight (Including packaged): 9.53kg|39:1|72:1205|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50
The only concern I have is how the mouth area looks. It appears to be far cheaper then the original sideshow Alien Warrior 1:1 bust. I think it's more less a knock off!"
"So did anyone ever buy one of these recasts or know anyone who might purchased one? I heard it's made up of poly and cast with metal teeth. It's much cheaper by about $1,600.00 compared to SSC found on ebay now..."
"I was offered one for $799.00 with free shipping from a non-ebay dealer. Should I go for it or wait?"
"It's a no go then. Thanks for all your insights. I want the SSC version anyway not a recast pirated version." decided you wanted one anyway...
"After talking with a couple of other ebay buyers/sellers that purchased this exact same item. I've heard nothing but positive feedback on the quaility aside of it being a copy the original SSCD Alien Warrior 1:1 Bust. Some one has the original molds to this piece and are making it exactly the same based on the materials used to produce it. I went ahead and decided to purchase one for a reduced price. Love me or hate me It's my passion and desire. I will never drop $3,000 or $5,000 for one when I can purchase a full size prop for that price range online. At least I'm honest and up front but I'm also human so changing my mind was optional. I know I might get an ear full from forum members but that's just the way it is and time will pass...."
"I certainly understand. This was a one time exemption to make the purchase on a recast. My entire collection only has one recast and that is this one. On a smarter note, I just can't understand why SSCD couldn't have just sold their molds under agreement with a good 3rd party company whom makes model resin statue kit avaiable.
I know most of you would die to get your hands on if available an Alien Warrior 1:1 bust model resin statue kit version unpainted. I see all kinds of those on ebay including the Alien Pile which SSCD once produced for a short run. Why on earth couldn't they have just made some extra money the same way and allow a resin model kit to be available to us? If it was that easy I would have ordered one along time ago and hard it drop shipped to one of you guys for your services and requested your highly skilled talent in air-brushing, hand painting and high gloss effects. Since there's no options that's why this purchase was made."
"I'm very happy with this item and I'll just keep it simple. I'm the one paying for it and yes, I know this would bring an ear full ))))))))
At least I'm honest and upfront and not two-faced about wanting this item. I can't live without it man. It beats getting rippped off even
more for someone wanted to charge $4,000 for it when it's not worth even that much to begin with"
"I'm not justifying anything other then explaining that I'm not going to get price jacked on being over changed on one of these items on ebay. We all know how that's going on and all I see is 0 bids for a $4,000 item everytime the auction ends. And since when did I care about paying $4,000 for an item that's going to just setup on a bookshelf for it's life time? I will never resell the item or mislead someone into thinking it's a SSCD product so no one has to worry about that. It's just a fat boy toy that's cosumed me for awhile. I sure wish it could rub my feet but that would cost extra. Also, for your information...I've been reading mixed reviews on other countless forums online. Some good some bad but if you feel the need to kick me off then do so. I'm not going to lose any sleep over this today or ever"
And this is the best one...where you ADMIT you own and know of Sideshow and their products when Kitator and HMSPIKE ask you point blank about it...
Quote from: kitator on August 30, 2009, 09:55:40 PM
I just read all this bull____ and have no respect for anyone who would buy this especially after many have told someone the reasons not to.You know this forum does`nt condone such activities and you do it anyway,and pretty much rub it in everyone`s face.Nothing you say can justify your purchase.And that $899 piece of polished isn`t worth .I`ve bought many great items here and on the CH,and if I were to buy that crap,I doubt anyone here or on the CH would sell me anything again.So with that said,if I ever have anything up for sale ,dont bother asking me to sell anything to you.I believe others will follow suit.
Don't worry I won't. Your collection accounts for a small percentage of what others all over the world will offer me. Have a coke and a smile mate! Posted on: August 30, 2009, 11:02:19 PM
Quote from: Heavy Metal Spike on August 30, 2009, 10:00:40 PM
So - did you give Sideshow the same respect?.
I own a ____ load of their products! Sideshow can't give me any options. So I had to result another method which we have already talked about for the last two hours.
So, please don't come on here trying to sound like some poor fella who didn't know what he was doing when he bought the recast.
You knew EXACTLY what it was, sought it out, and told everyone you know all about Sideshow (AND OWN THEIR PRODUCTS) but could care less about buying a recast of a SS product.
And yet you make a post about NOT knowing...HHHMMMM.