Re: What's with all these recast Aliens 1:1 busts on ebay???
Well TP, we agree on one thing here: My statements that you quoted me about my thoughts on recast DO say something about me. And here is what they say:
• Batman 29 does NOT support those who knowing reproduce recasts, knowingly sell them, or knowingly buy them (other than for educating issues about recasting).
• Because of the above, you never have to worry when buying something from Batman 29.
• Batman 29 is avid collector of AUTHENTIC merchandise.
• Batman 29 will not support recasting because he cannot afford the authentic piece. I would just rather not have one. As a result I aim for the best.
• Batman 29 is a trusted collector among collectors.
Yup, my earlier statements about recasting do say something about me. And I am comfortable with what they say about me.
Again, you've missed my point.. I'm not questioning you at all.. Also, as I stated, I'm not talking about people who do it out of profit, I mostly agree with everything you said, except your expressed doubt in people who have recasts in their collections..I find it illogical..
But then again, we maybe collect out of different reasons, you maybe collect so you could earn some money when stuff becomes exclusive/sold out/etc.? Maybe you collect, because at given time you find it very interesting, but soon loose the interest in the piece so you want to be able to sell it, maybe it's something third..
You see, I collect because I really really like movies (well one serial in particular, and that is only thing I have collected so far), and want to have something that represents that movie!
I don't plan to sell any of the pieces, I never actually sold anything.
Up there in your post, you're writing like you're defending your name, when I never actually questioned you!
You want to see how your list would turn out in my case?!
• Toni Plutonij does NOT care about those who knowingly reproduce recasts, knowingly sell them, or knowingly buy them (as it's none of my business, it doesn't devalue my pieces at all, I surely DO NOT support recasters, but I also do not judge people who have recasts in their own collections).
• Because I'm not selling, you never have to worry when buying something from Toni Plutonij.
• Toni Plutonij is avid collector of merchandise that is related to Terminator movies (if it represents the movie in the fashion I like, it's good enough for me).
• Toni Plutonij will not support recasting because he cannot confirm the quality of the piece, but will buy anything that he knows the source of and finds it suitable. I aim for the best, but I don't mind if my items aren't numbered or named!
• Toni Plutonij is a trusted collector among
some collectors.
(I wouldn't call myself a collector, but more of a Terminator and a movie in general, fan)
As for the small group of collectors that collect actual screen used props: TP, these are authentic, they are a REAL part of the industry, they exist for a purpose, they are indeed a collectable! They are NOT a recast, they ARE a REAL.
And with this, you have missed my point completely..
First of all, I simply stated that there is group of people who think about you guys, same as you think about recast collectors!
I haven't taken their side, quite the opposite..
That is the fact, people like that DO exist, as I've stumbled upon quite few of them, and personally, know one!
Look at it like this:
Movie is made, in the movie there are some props, after movie is done, some of the props get auctioned, collectors buy these pieces, pay big money and they enjoy it..
Stuff that we all get, are authorized REPLICAS of screen used pieces, they are NOT part of movie industry, but part of the collecting universe industry and they are COPIES of the stuff that is screen used. THEY ARE REAL!
Collectors of screen used props find that disturbing (most of them), as they payed big money to get screen used prop, and then, for example, Sideshow, buys the license and molds from the movie, and cast VERY SAME prop, it looks the same, it's painted the same, it's the same thing as screen used, except it isn't used in a movie! Some people are bothered by that (not me, this is all to show you how this kind of thinking is wrong)..
Now, licensed replicas are copies of the real thing, recast is a copy of a copy! It still represents the movie, it still looks very similar (in some situations the same) to a screen used one, is it wrong to do that...YES! Is it usually done in a sloppy manner, and only for profit, YES! Are people who collect, and can't get some particular piece for their collection, but want it as they like the movie, and what it represents, in wrong for having unlicensed piece in their collection? NO!
That's all I'm saying..
I'm no recaster by any means, I don't sell anything, I simply say that your point of view, is wrong in my eyes!