HT Alien 3 1/6 Dog Alien Image Thread

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A few quickies........





Welcome aboard dude!
There's a healthy Alien fanbase around here, so I'm sure you'll find a lot of like-minded xeno-freaks.
On the accuracy of the HT dragon, well, nothing new to say there. Alas, that is our cross to bear as alien fans. HT will not deliver accurate figures, whatever their reasons might be.
Have you checked NECA's and Medicom's Alien figures? Those two are really really nice and very accurate sculpts (albeit each with its own pros and cons). Here's hoping that NECA will release all aliens one day...

I have my dragon on pre-order and have come to terms with the fact that it isn't accurate. Can't wait to have it in hand!

Thanks for the welcome. Now that I'm done ^^^^^ing about it to my roomates, I'm pretty much getting over my initial disappointment with the design. It's starting to grow on me, flaws and all. Doesn't mean I'm not hoping for a more accurate version down the road from someone. Afterall, it is the best design out of all of them. :D
I got mine last week and was unhappy with the feet/ankle. I do like the way the legs look at the hip connectors, I think they are a big improvement from the other aliens. Am I the only one who likes that new alien smell?
I still want bald Ripley and Dillon. Then HT can be done with Alien 3, though I know the chances are slim and none.

Yep, my set wants exactly. :rock
Got the Rip, need a Dillon!

GREAT SHOTS all! I LOVE the overhead view YoNoSee! AWESOME! Didn't realize the details were even in there!

My pics coming soon, with my old custom A3 Rip. Video on YouTube with it also.
Let's get a Dillon headsculpt started! :rock
really nice alien , i wonder are they going to do the drone in alien reserection?
Gawd, I really hate the mouth on that thing. Of all the inconsistencies/changes made, that is the worst. I can live with the other stuff, but the mouth, especially the way its teeth jut forward, just kills me a little inside.
I've just lost my job and will probably have to cancel my pre-order on this and the Medicom figure, dang! :(
Yeah, good luck Jmek, it's a shame your 100th post had to be sad news.
Thanks guys, much appreciated. The irony is that I was working for in the recruitment industry so as you can imagine there's not a lot going on where I live.:duh
Good luck Jmek.

Gawd, I really hate the mouth on that thing. Of all the inconsistencies/changes made, that is the worst. I can live with the other stuff, but the mouth, especially the way its teeth jut forward, just kills me a little inside.

I get ya. having seen this head in person, in 06 when I went to Bob Burns' house, I can tell you that you are quite right. They are pretty squared down and don't jut.
On the figure, I can stand the teeth, but when they did so much else right on the figure, this does cry out. Frustrates, but what can you do? Rework them maybe...

Love the missing tooth...this is Bubba...

Note the white-ish tongue too. HT hates to paint this detail. I did on mine, so I am happy with that, but the brown tongues came later, when the AVP line came in. In all four major ALIEN films, the aliens had white tongues.
Really? Even the Dog Alien? I thought it was brown like the rest of it. Of course i trust your judgment with your continued commitment to detail on your pieces.
Gawd, I really hate the mouth on that thing. Of all the inconsistencies/changes made, that is the worst. I can live with the other stuff, but the mouth, especially the way its teeth jut forward, just kills me a little inside.

Yeah the fish mouth looks a tad stupid. One has to wonder what they were thinking with that. Probably the reason its so distractingly bad is because the mouth is a particular area where all the films show the aliens in detail. The Alien mouth oozes menace (and slime) whereas this figure's mouth just reminds me of celebrities with bad lip jobs.