Hi guys, new here

and all that blah blah-
But be warned of the right leg ball joint, I got my dog alien yesterday and it is HELL to get in! I mean super PITA to get in
Tried the hot water method and EVERYONE reading this PLEASE use it with precaution because the skin on my doggie leg cracked, tore and paint peeled

You won't know the damage unless I outstretch the leg, otherwise its unnoticeable.
Btw, any clue on a good glue to seal his leg injury with? The leg skin is pretty darn fragile.
Anyhow, after all that trouble and unnecessary damage all it took was some pressure with the thing laying on the kitchen table and *pop* it went in :chew However, now I have a broke/tore skinned dog alien
I am shocked no one mentioned the super strong enamel paint smell he gives off, I mean it was enough to give me a head ache

Or is that normal?