That would be insane to see some guy beating morning congestion with a batpod.
With rubber suits, you're always gonna have the potential for future tears (like "tears of a clown" tears, though I guess "ripping and shredding" tears could also happen). And that's why I wish Hot Toys would stay away from them for good.So the Original OC Batman didn't leak? which suggests this won't?
Yeah true but the batmobile cant squeeze between the traffic. Although it can go upside.....
How did you make it through today?
what does this forum have to do with SS having a PPO on a figure? Do these forums control that?![]()
The last coupla dozen pages prior to a few pages back was essentially a tit-for-tat discussion about how one member felt ripped off by the way SSC handled the PPO. It went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. The discussion mercifully got back onto discussion about the figure itself via a short detour - but essential circuit-breaker - on gay wrestling. I've still got some gay wrestling gifs up my sleeve - I don't wanna use 'em, but I will if I have to!
To make a long story short, Sideshow repeatedly popped in this thread specifically to downplay all the hype that was created by idiots here. They continually bullied Sideshow into releasing stats, announcing release dates, announcing PPO dates, etc. CAhobbit and Sideshow Alex both posted in here repeatedly that this wouldn't be limited and that there'd be enough stock to go around. They were all but ignored and buried by the idiots not believing their posts. So Sideshow did the best with what they had. This PPO was no different other than the fact that idiots were still hyping the figure and caused the site to crash on PPO day in a panic. If you bought into it, the only ones to blame are yourself and your fellow bat-fanatic Freaks.![]()
To make a long story short, Sideshow repeatedly popped in this thread specifically to downplay all the hype that was created by idiots here. They continually bullied Sideshow into releasing stats, announcing release dates, announcing PPO dates, etc. CAhobbit and Sideshow Alex both posted in here repeatedly that this wouldn't be limited and that there'd be enough stock to go around. They were all but ignored and buried by the idiots not believing their posts. So Sideshow did the best with what they had. This PPO was no different other than the fact that idiots were still hyping the figure and caused the site to crash on PPO day in a panic. If you bought into it, the only ones to blame are yourself and your fellow bat-fanatic Freaks.![]()
Just about everyone up here got their figure ordered. So stop complaining please. It's old already. All we heard was _____ing and complaining on how they hope the get this figure. Now they got it and they find another reason to _____. Just shut up already.
Just about everyone up here got their figure ordered. So stop complaining please. It's old already. All we heard was _____ing and complaining on how they hope the get this figure. Now they got it and they find another reason to _____. Just shut up already.
No one is complaining. People are bringing up things that could be changed for the better for the next PPO. Companies usually like to hear where they can improve and #1 is a better network infrastructure to handle the streamline ordering without crashing, not loading, and sending out erroneous confirmations with errors.
No one is complaining. People are bringing up things that could be changed for the better for the next PPO. Companies usually like to hear where they can improve and #1 is a better network infrastructure to handle the streamline ordering without crashing, not loading, and sending out erroneous confirmations with errors.
So what about the forum in 2008? Was that the transitional limbo period?The forum pre-2008>post 2008.![]()
The SSC's folks that came on here said it was not limited, even though the site says limited edition? I could see how that would cause confusion.
No one is complaining. People are bringing up things that could be changed for the better for the next PPO. Companies usually like to hear where they can improve and #1 is a better network infrastructure to handle the streamline ordering without crashing, not loading, and sending out erroneous confirmations with errors.