These are the best PERS yet.
Yeah, I'm not seeing the puppy dog thing either. I don't know if this is the best PERS yet but it's definitely on par with Keaton and Nicholson.
These are the best PERS yet.
These are the best PERS yet.
The 2.0 is vastly superior. People are saying the hair isn't any better? Really? Look at the hairline. THe original DX01 looks like a helmet by comparison.
And look at how much smaller the eye openings are.
You're nuts.
With that latest teaser the eyes look no different than the original DX 01 proto. The white of the eyes is still too much as is the size of the actual eye.
Nice comparison shot but isn't anyone else bothered by the over-texturized skin??
The 2.0 is vastly superior. People are saying the hair isn't any better? Really? Look at the hairline. THe original DX01 looks like a helmet by comparison.
And look at how much smaller the eye openings are.
Yeah the skin definitely appears over-texturized, almost like he has pot marks all over his face, but in hand you won't even notice them. It's really only on high res photos where you'll see it.
The hair is definitely my favorite part of this new sculpt. I think what could've helped this teaser a bit more is if they didn't cut off the right side of this face in the shot. You can't see the rest of his cheeks or eyebrow so right now the jaw looks a little long and the head a little squat.
There's still something. Other me about the sculpt or the make-up infant put my figure on which one it is or of it's both
Depending on price and how well the EB one turns out, I may not get this one and just get all the EB releases.
Come to the 1/4 scale Darkside my young Gipetto0812 apprentice.
Pic 1 comes out; "DX01 is now trash, quick, lets sell it"
Pic 2 comes out; "This is the worst sculpt ever. Good thing I knew I was never letting DX01 go"
Pic 3 comes out; "This looks ok, but DX01 is still good"
Full picture released - first 2 hours - "This blows, Hot Toys fails again, I'm not going to buy it. We should boycott Hot Toys. Wheres light cycle?"
Full picture released - 1 week later; "This is actually better than DX01"
Figure released - Day 1 - "looks like crap, Hot Toys fails again"
Figure released - Week 1 - "OMG OMG this is the best figure ever"
Stop over analyzing these teasers.
Fireworks will be lit.
There won't be any fireworks.
I'm already there Jye. 2 PFs with the LOTR RWOS PF PO'd
Literally the only 2 things stopping me from not being fully committed to EB's 1/4 TDK items right now is that there haven't been any teases for a TDK Suit Batman aaaand if I'm going to have Bats and Joker in 1/4, I'd want Bane too and Ht doesn't seem to be moving in on their 1/4 announcements
2. His semi-wide-eye expression. I think the sculpt would have looked better if his eyes were beadier with less white-of-the-eye showing.
The figure will have PERS, so it could also depend on the position of the eyes in the teaser.
You're nuts.
With that latest teaser the eyes look no different than the original DX 01 proto. The white of the eyes is still too much as is the size of the actual eye.
Compare to these great attempts,
I'm still not seeing it Di. They look pretty good to me.
If anything, I think they look smaller than Sparrows.
Looks the same to me
Looks the same to me