HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I now know why there aren't any pics of the arab disguise. Boy is it a pain to put the turban on.

Anyway here is a couple of quick pics to show the sculpt on mine:


Initial thoughts - shame the bag strap cannot be adjusted as I think it is a hair too long. The web belt is very difficult to remove because the metal end is a very tight fit through the belt loops. The magnets on the non hat hair and on the headsculpt were unstuck on mine - will have to glue them back on. Jacket is really nice and very maleable - not sure it is real leather feels pleather to me. Boots are real nice and the cream stripes quite subtle in person.
This figure has a lot to live up to with your customs, Cavlcade. Glad you're enjoying it.
Ok, I found him! I snapped one quick shot, right out of the box. Will take more later, but I gotta go play:


Gotta say, I am pretty darn impressed right now. I agree with everything Cavlcade just said.
I'm really digging it at the moment and keeping him box fresh for now. In a couple of days or so I will start to port over some of the nicer elements from the other figure - holster, shirt, maybe jacket. I prefer the HT trousers to Kato's though so they will stay on the KOTCS bash.

I have a spare head coming from TA which I plan on dismantling and touching up the stubble on.
I now know why there aren't any pics of the arab disguise. Boy is it a pain to put the turban on.

Anyway here is a couple of quick pics to show the sculpt on mine:


Initial thoughts - shame the bag strap cannot be adjusted as I think it is a hair too long. The web belt is very difficult to remove because the metal end is a very tight fit through the belt loops. The magnets on the non hat hair and on the headsculpt were unstuck on mine - will have to glue them back on. Jacket is really nice and very maleable - not sure it is real leather feels pleather to me. Boots are real nice and the cream stripes quite subtle in person.

Great pics!!
The first one reminds me of this:


Wonder when AE starts shipping these...
Nice shots guys... I would say the head sculpts are the same as mine from those photos. I don't see the dreaded "guyliner' showing up much either. I agree with the bag strap comment and the jacket should be very easy to manipulate and add the desired amount of folds.
I now know why there aren't any pics of the arab disguise. Boy is it a pain to put the turban on.

Anyway here is a couple of quick pics to show the sculpt on mine:


Initial thoughts - shame the bag strap cannot be adjusted as I think it is a hair too long. The web belt is very difficult to remove because the metal end is a very tight fit through the belt loops. The magnets on the non hat hair and on the headsculpt were unstuck on mine - will have to glue them back on. Jacket is really nice and very maleable - not sure it is real leather feels pleather to me. Boots are real nice and the cream stripes quite subtle in person.

First pic is EPIC- no doubt about it- Indy all the way!!!:clap
Thanks guys! :clap

Ok, I found him! I snapped one quick shot, right out of the box. Will take more later, but I gotta go play:


Gotta say, I am pretty darn impressed right now. I agree with everything Cavlcade just said.

I now know why there aren't any pics of the arab disguise. Boy is it a pain to put the turban on.

Anyway here is a couple of quick pics to show the sculpt on mine:


Initial thoughts - shame the bag strap cannot be adjusted as I think it is a hair too long. The web belt is very difficult to remove because the metal end is a very tight fit through the belt loops. The magnets on the non hat hair and on the headsculpt were unstuck on mine - will have to glue them back on. Jacket is really nice and very maleable - not sure it is real leather feels pleather to me. Boots are real nice and the cream stripes quite subtle in person.

Face looks fuller in bright light or with flash, while darker pics seem to make him look narrower.
Great pics!!
The first one reminds me of this:


Wonder when AE starts shipping these...

I actually start to like the sculpt then someone posts a side by side shot next to Ford and reality hits me in the face letting me know that the sculpt is off in so many ways. Thanks reality thanks :yess:
I actually start to like the sculpt then someone posts a side by side shot next to Ford and reality hits me in the face letting me know that the sculpt is off in so many ways. Thanks reality thanks :yess:


If the thread goes too long without actual pics of Ford, my brain starts to morph my memory of his face into this sculpt :horror