That's a nice shot, has a 30's feel, like Marion's bar.
Thanks man.
Better than a 30's face, like Rondo Hatton.
That's a nice shot, has a 30's feel, like Marion's bar.
I'm beginning to like the sculpt better than the real HF.
I actually start to like the sculpt then someone posts a side by side shot next to Ford and reality hits me in the face letting me know that the sculpt is off in so many ways. Thanks reality thanks
I hope you guys like the photos, whether or not you like the figure.
Careful, Lucas will hear you and make that change in the film.
One nit I find distracting is the oversized shirt collar. I think water treatment will help to shape it and keep it laying flat, that and taping the shirt down. Are people finding the shirt collar to be large in hand?
That pic of the figure looks pretty good^ Is that modded in any way?
That pic of the figure looks pretty good^ Is that modded in any way?
It's really sad that most people that have it in hand are not being listened to, and other people are still using 2D photographs to make their judgements
It's really sad that most people that have it in hand are not being listened to, and other people are still using 2D photographs to make their judgements
Sad, but not at all surprising. Of course, we're now the "mean" ones for pointing that out. Apparently, it's okay to troll & spam the thread... but respond to said troll and you're a mean-spirited "yaysayer".
Honest question: Is there anyone HERE who has this figure in-hand who isn't happy with it? I'd be interested in hearing from them. Would at least be a nice change from the usual nega-spammers, not a single one of whom apparently has the figure.
Just opened him up. Straight from Sideshow! Almost fainted. He's ******* beautiful. Well done, hot Toys.
See the way I see it, is if you do a side by side you need to find the right expression, especially with Ford
The bug eyed look for which I am not a fan, so I will keep the PERS as is