HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Where are all the fookin' pictures? :lol

Congrats to the guys who just got theirs and especially to Billy Ray who took a fookin' brutal mindtrick beatin' from his wife...

So Billy, you doing a video?.. :monkey1

Looking good.....
Honest question: Is there anyone HERE who has this figure in-hand who isn't happy with it? I'd be interested in hearing from them. Would at least be a nice change from the usual nega-spammers, not a single one of whom apparently has the figure.

Didnt OMG, who was one of the first, if not the first, to post in hand pics say he wasnt happy with it?
Ok, I got him all geared up, here are a few more pics. I am not the world's best photographer by any stretch of the imagination. These shots do give the appearance of the "guy liner" but, as others have said, it's really not there in hand.




Here's a look at the shoes, which really turned out fantastic. This pic doesn't convey the weathering that they have at all, but it is there in hand;


Here's a shot of the whip, which it turns out does have a wire inside that runs about halfway through the length of it:


And here is a look inside his bag, which actually has several compartments inside (my wife was impressed with that for some reason). I've got his notebook and Browning stowed inside:


A few observations:

- The gunbelt, holster, and web belt aren't black as they appear in most photos. The holster and belt are about the color of his jacket and the web belt is a really dark brown, but not black.

- The revolver has a working hammer and the cylinder pops out (much easier than on the SS revolver)

- The Browning has a working slide and hammer and appears to have a real metal barrel. I don't believe the magazine is removable though (I tried, but not real hard)

- Both pistols, though plastic, have a very nice metallic look to them.

- As mentioned by others, the bag strap is not adjustable, which kind of sucks a little.

- His pants have real pockets!

- The jacket is just about the perfect thickness and is lined.

- On mine, the seem when using the "hat hair" hairpiece is a little more noticable than the non hat hair (which is barely noticeable). Could be I just need to mess with it a bit, but it's not noticeable when wearing the hat, so kind of a moot point.

- The pedestal is really pretty heavy/sturdy.

- For Butters, the PERS mechanism (at least on mine) isn't white. A thousand pardons for earlier :wink1:

- Last, but not least, pictures just don't do this figure justice (I know that's been said a million times about a million figures). I look at these pics, and still don't see what I see in hand. I think Craze's pics are the closest I have seen to the real thing.

I'll post more/better pics tomorrow, I haven't really got to spend a lot of time with the figure. I'll throw up some comparison shots to the SS and Medi figures if anyone wants too but, bottom line, out of the three, Hot Toys is my favorite.
Awesome pics... Great observations Billy Ray, I agree with everything you said. The shoes are really nice they have a good dusty look to them, looks like we have similar head sculpts as well. Speaking of the seams for the hair I really have a hard time seeing mine on the non-hat head I notice it a bit more on the hat head, but not much. Still haven't seen a pic that really shows how good this Indy can look in hand.:hi5:
Another item I was going to bring up, but I keep forgetting is that I think the leather gloves are way too brown. I like the dirtied tanish- white look myself as seen like in the film, these are almost a solid brown.
The web belt is dark brown in Raiders, probably just looked dusty and lighter as Indy got dirtier. Check out the production pic of Indy leaning on the fireplace mantle from the Ravenwood Bar scene in ROTLA best shot I have of the two belts on him.
I would say this figure is best suited for the Idol temple scene in Raiders or the Well of Souls as far as the look of HF as Indy, just my thoughts. If you had a hatless headsculpt and a good 1/6 tweed suit and spectacles I bet it would look great as a college professor Jones bash.