HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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This specific photo really looks like Ford:


I agree, the shadow covering the left nostril in that angle and having the arch of the nose being a little wider gives the illusion that it is larger which it should be. So that is exactly why you and I both see this as Ford in that picture. Throw in some light to the left side of the face and the illusion is gone.

This image below has the same effect as it also looks like Ford.

Just look how wide the nose and big the nostril actually should be. You keep this image in your head, and look back up and your brain fills the rest making the image look like Ford.
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Some more pics since looking at pics is good right?


Enjoy. :whip

I really like this one, it's one of those pics that looks so much like Harrison Ford as Indy! These pics kinda underline the idiosyncratic nature of this sculpt; slight changes in angles, lighting, the PERS, make it look completely different, almost like different sculpts. No wonder some folks are confused about different figs having different qc issues with the likeness. Overall figure is strong, just need to get that pose right and leave it be!
And ofcourse this one doesn't look like Ford


But this one does. Amazing

The nose and shadow really does make a huge difference in the look.

Same photographer, same bat channel. I hope you guys can see what's wrong with the sculpt now.
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Please remember I am not trying to sway anybody one way or another, I have this figure and I am very happy with it. I am just enjoying taking photos, noticing details in hand, and trying to provide shots that may show a particular view or detail that you guys might be looking for. Thanks, enjoy the pics I know I like seeing everyone else's pics posted here as well. :)
Please remember I am not trying to sway anybody one way or another, I have this figure and I am very happy with it. I am just enjoying taking photos, noticing details in hand, and trying to provide shots that may show a particular view or detail that you guys might be looking for. Thanks, enjoy the pics I know I like seeing everyone else's pics posted here as well. :)

Do you see what I am talking about Craze with the different angles in my last post?
Well I have convinced myself a long time ago that this is a pretty good Indy figure, but I agree that the right sided (bottom) photo really looks like him. As I look at it right here though I see Harrison Ford all over it and from all angles. A lot of points that have come up are valid though and the right side may be a lot stronger than the left side in the end, but I think that could be said for most head sculpts. The Captain America pics are begining to get interesting as well. I also cancelled the new Batman/Bale combo figure because it didn't have that "punch" for me once I saw pics. So I can't disagree with what some people see in these toys and other don't. Also I do not have any problems with your criticisms or arguements. You made me take a closer look here.
Well I have convinced myself a long time ago that this is a pretty good Indy figure, but I agree that the right sided (bottom) photo really looks like him. As I look at it right here though I see Harrison Ford all over it and from all angles. A lot of points that have come up are valid though and the right side may be a lot stronger than the left side in the end, but I think that could be said for most head sculpts. The Captain America pics are begining to get interesting as well. I also cancelled the new Batman/Bale combo figure because it didn't have that "punch" for me once I saw pics. So I can't disagree with what some people see in these toys and other don't. Also I do not have any problems with your criticisms or arguements. You made me take a closer look here.

I appreciate that. I can't wait till I get my Captain America figure as well. Even though it looks like Scorpius and Julian truly really want to love this Indy figure, believe me, and I will probably end up buying one if I can get a better deal. I just think I might hold out for the TOD HT Indy and pray they get the sculpt looking great on both sides of the head. And I agree iwth you this Indy figure is pretty good, in fact excellent when it comes to all the accessories and clothing in my opinion.

Just to show you I do have a good eye for things, I wasn't kidding that the new Cap which I am getting looks like these two


Then again it also looks like Julian Sands lol.
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Do you see what I am talking about Craze with the different angles in my last post?

I feel you Superman but perhaps it is the time for you to let go of this discussion, I love Craze's picture and believe he has got one of the most beautiful HS among others. I will definitely pick this up if I had his speculation is that HT could have be ruining the HS during molding process and this is why we see some looks better over the others (perhaps early pix from Faststreetofhongkong illustrated that already).

Well, I'm pretty much done with this Indy and will save my fund for the next better release....
I appreciate that. I can't wait till I get my Captain America figure as well. Even though it looks like Scorpius and Julian truly really want to love this Indy figure, believe me, and I will probably end up buying one if I can get a better deal. I just think I might hold out for the TOD HT Indy and pray they get the sculpt looking great on both sides of the head. And I agree iwth you this Indy figure is pretty good, in fact excellent when it comes to all the accessories and clothing in my opinion.

If Hot Toys ever does another Indy and really does the head sculpt justice in everyone's eyes it will be the definitive Indy figure, but until then this one is it for me.
I feel you Superman but perhaps it is the time for you to let go of this discussion, I love Craze's picture and believe he has got one of the most beautiful HS among others. I will definitely pick this up if I had his speculation is that HT could have be ruining the HS during molding process and this is why we see some looks better over the others (perhaps early pix from Faststreetofhongkong illustrated that already).

Well, I'm pretty much done with this Indy and will save my fund for the next better release....

Yes, Craze does have a great looking figure and one of the best sculpts of all of the Indy's so far. You can tell he has a great sculpt because it does look like Ford from the right side. If his left side wasn't questionable, I would be praising this piece to death. However Hot Toys needs to know that what to do to get a future Indy perfect. I agree, that if they hire Trevor, it would be the perfect match. Arnie may not be at fault here, since he may not have been given the opportunity to retouch his prototype sculpt which looks the same to me as the final release. While Arnie did fix and change the Chris Reeve sculpt for the better.

If Hot Toys ever does another Indy and really does the head sculpt justice in everyone's eyes it will be the definitive Indy figure, but until then this one is it for me.

I think they will. TOD Indy for sure.. And I think they will based on the reaction and cancellations this figure got do a better job at getting this sculpt as perfect as the Superman one ended up being.
Yes, Craze does have a great looking figure and one of the best sculpts of all of the Indy's so far. You can tell he has a great sculpt because it does look like Ford from the right side. If his left side wasn't questionable, I would be praising this piece to death. However Hot Toys needs to know that what to do to get a future Indy perfect. I agree, that if they hire Trevor, it would be the perfect match. Arnie may not be at fault here, since he may not have been given the opportunity to retouch his prototype sculpt which looks the same to me as the final release. While Arnie did fix and change the Chris Reeve sculpt for the better.

I think they will. TOD INdy for sure..

Indeed, HT should definitely approach Trevor for the next Indy, no doubt.:pray:

Arnie probably just doing freelance sculpturing for HT and perhaps they did paid him to re-sculpture Chris but not Indy:gah:
Thanks Wofford29

This is one of the best pics so far,Ford is definitely there,
I've had this pre-ordered at OSB in the UK for months,the more I see these different in hand shots the more I'm getting excited at getting this figure,
Kindest regards

Indeed, HT should definitely approach Trevor for the next Indy, no doubt.:pray:

Arnie probably just doing freelance sculpturing for HT and perhaps they did paid him to re-sculpture Chris but not Indy:gah:

My last crusade is to convince Hot Toys to approach and pay Trevor for the perfect Indy sculpt. Just have him start from scratch so he gets an excellent TOD pose. Lots of stubble, with accurate colors. Glowing LED Shankara stones that glow when placed next to each