HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Thanks Wofford29

This is one of the best pics so far,Ford is definitely there,
I've had this pre-ordered at OSB in the UK for months,the more I see these different in hand shots the more I'm getting excited at getting this figure,
Kindest regards


That is a great photo! :)
And I have read some post that don't like the Superman sculpt and that blows my mind too!

Yeah I did change someones mind though in that thread by showing a younger Reeve next to the HT sculpt after asking them to point out what is wrong with it. Ofcourse those two images I posted looked identical since I was able to find the exact size and angle so he finally agreed.

Agreed. Trevor should do any and all Indy's.

We need to do some kind of a Hot Toys needs to know somehow. Mass e-mail perhaps..Or if someone knows anybody that works for Hot Toys, give them a ring.
My last crusade is to convince Hot Toys to approach and pay Trevor for the perfect Indy sculpt. Just have him start from scratch so he gets an excellent TOD pose. Lots of stubble, with accurate colors. Glowing LED Shankara stones that glow when placed next to each

Well, time will tell and I am looking forward to that.:1-1:

Picked up an extra shirt, pants and boots for the Arab outfit, for $43.99 :yess:

Congrats toylion, I do encourage customizer to get the accessories which definite results with better deal and satisfaction.:clap

Oh one more intel....if you have friends here in HK, you could get him 100% new in box for ~ $165
I would like to also reiterate something about my review. Some people seem to have taken it as a negative, others as a positive, and some for what it is, an abbreviated opinion of the pros and cons of which there are plenty. As I stated, if I was to only own one Indiana Jones figure from what is currently available, this would be the one (despite any likeness issues). Having said that, this certainly isn't the end of what many consider to be an ongoing pursuit of a great Indiana Jones collectible. It's certainly a step in that direction, but the quest continues.

edit: I will say that for those of you who owned the original Toy's McCoy Indy, and I mean when it came out, not after lots of other options existed. I kind of got that same feeling with this one. It's presentation just feels special and there was so much unknown about this damn thing going into actually seeing it yourself. It really makes you feel like you own the only Indy collectible worth owning. Reality does eventually set in though. :lol

Best, most honest review so far, thanks mate. :clap

Still looks worth picking up, but a major fail from HT on their DX line.
So... is ANYONE going to take a crack at some pics with the Arab disguise outfit?

That headscarf looked so good at SDCC... but a few reports have it being a tough one to get looking right out of the box.

This might help. i use this video to make my own custom turban for the SS Indy.

As I said from the beginning HT Indy a WIN and NO bad pic can hide the fact I think it is the bext Indy sculpt out there- if you disagree fine but HT will be laughing all the way to the bank-some ,let me say, "party pooper, nay-sayers" who trashed this figure are buying it (if they ADMIT to it or not- tip of the hat to the ones who came on here and did say they were going to get it anyway despiter their reservstions).
In the end a successful figure for HT.
As I said from the beginning HT Indy a WIN and NO bad pic can hide the fact I think it is the bext Indy sculpt out there- if you disagree fine but HT will be laughing all the way to the bank-some ,let me say, "party pooper, nay-sayers" who trashed this figure are buying it (if they ADMIT to it or not- tip of the hat to the ones who came on here and did say they were going to get it anyway despiter their reservstions).
In the end a successful figure for HT.

Howard, we all agree. I even came around on this figure, bought one plus a lot of extras, the Alden's are amazing, pants, shirt all incredible, the sculpt looks very good at certain angles.

When will you be making the announcement regarding the replacement heads for those who happen to get one of the "Big Heads"?

Thanks and continued success!
This video was created just for Superman who seems to need a lot of attention. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Some of the Indy pictures in here with the feminine poses and sultry eyes make me :lol
I really like this one, it's one of those pics that looks so much like Harrison Ford as Indy! These pics kinda underline the idiosyncratic nature of this sculpt; slight changes in angles, lighting, the PERS, make it look completely different, almost like different sculpts. No wonder some folks are confused about different figs having different qc issues with the likeness. Overall figure is strong, just need to get that pose right and leave it be!

Idiosyncratic - Thats the perfect word to describe this sculpt. Got my two coming, monday or tuesday!
I will be collecting mark v and this Indy tomorrow. Too bad the potential buyer has withdrawn his interest. What to do? I will keep him misb, try to find someone who willing to take him.