HT Facebook Marvel Tease?

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Onesixthbruce have sold out of Black Widow pre-orders already, which is pretty good going for figure that only just been announced.

I've pre-sold a much better amount of these then of Silk Spectre. It does seem that the the collectors picking up the other Iron Man 2 characters want Black Widow as well.

I'd guess that those with the Blade figure will be tempted, while hoping to see a few of the other characters released in the future.
HT's choice of Marvel figures confuses me. Nothing against Ms. Biel, but her character would've been near the bottom of my list of HT Marvel candidates, female or otherwise.
HT's choice of Marvel figures confuses me. Nothing against Ms. Biel, but her character would've been near the bottom of my list of HT Marvel candidates, female or otherwise.


IMO both figures Abigail / BW share many similarities (hair, facial sctructure etc). I am not fimilar with sculpting or the process of creating a figure but I would guess being able to re-use pieces / parts from exisiting figure keep internal cost to a minimum. I doubt the collector's were screaming for this character when Storm, Jean Grey, Mystique and other female charater's would have been better received.

That said, HT didn't give us Sue Richards (IW) with re-sculpted Floss head and zero accessories for $150+ :wink1:
My hope is that they are still trying to improve on the female TrueTypes, and don't want to release a genuinely important character until they are happy with the body. But I doubt that this is actually the case.
Found this on youtube today.

HT's should maybe just use it for their promo. After watching it I'm a little more interested in this figure but still on the fence of course. I'd truthfully kind of forgot what she was like in the movie until watching this.
My hope is that they are still trying to improve on the female TrueTypes, and don't want to release a genuinely important character until they are happy with the body. But I doubt that this is actually the case.

I so hope you are right, because aargh this is such an aggravating choice. I had hoped that the amazing Sarah Connor and Black Widow figures signalled things moving in the right direction.

They have these movie characters to choose from:
Jean Grey
Lady Deathstryke
Kitty Pryde
Susan Storm
and of course
Elektra (no matter how bad the film, a classic female character with good film design)

But they choose a character from a rote sequel (just to make it a trilogy) with no comicbook roots or real following. :thud:
I'm personally a little disappointed at the choice as well. The movie design is good and I'm sure HT will do a good job, but if they're gonna do a Marvel character, do a Marvel character, know what i mean? This might as well be advertised as a normal movie character, it does absolutely nothing to Marvel fans.

That being said if it comes out good I'll just display her next to all my Marvel 1:6 and pretend she's actually relevant...
Yeah, probably a cheap license though.
You might be onto something. If the only licenses they have currently paid for are Wolvie: Origins, Iron Man, and the Blade Trilogy (presumably they are working on Ghost Rider), what other, better female character could they go with? That vampire chick from Blade 2? That extremely average looking Emma Frost? Pepper Pots? Maybe they did make the best choice, given their options. . .
You might be onto something. If the only licenses they have currently paid for are Wolvie: Origins, Iron Man, and the Blade Trilogy (presumably they are working on Ghost Rider), what other, better female character could they go with? That vampire chick from Blade 2? That extremely average looking Emma Frost? Pepper Pots? Maybe they did make the best choice, given their options. . .

You're right. There aren't many action figure friendly characters from these films anyway. I have a personal desire for a Pepper, but I know they won't make her. Even if they made a MJ from the Spider-Man films, I wouldn't be inclined to buy her because I hated her in those movies.
You might be onto something. If the only licenses they have currently paid for are Wolvie: Origins, Iron Man, and the Blade Trilogy (presumably they are working on Ghost Rider), what other, better female character could they go with?

I though they had a blanket Marvel movie license, but it is odd that we have seen nothing from X-Men or Spider-man.
They have already teased X-men trilogy and Spiderman trilogy. Hot Toys is just taking care of the extra money on the table,before moving onto the big guns
How long do hot toys usually show something after giving us facebook hints ..i forget did the do this b4 with a figure ..(landa don't count)
When and how did they tease Spider-Man? I want that really badly before they move on to the reboot and kill all my interest in Spidey movies.
I though they had a blanket Marvel movie license, but it is odd that we have seen nothing from X-Men or Spider-man.
They might have separate agreements: 1) with Marvel to release characters associated with their movies; and 2) with specific studios that produce characters from specific Marvel movies. But I honestly don't know how any of that works. The only way I can understand the Biel choice is if they couldn't yet do, say, a Storm or Invisible Woman.
Back at 2009 Toy Fair when they first announced the the Marvel license.


And now Tokyo Toy Fair is about to start July 15th. Think of all the new product we're about to see in a few weeks, I can't wait :panic:
That doesn't clarify the specifics of the "Marvel Universe" rights they obtained, though. Seems to me like each studio would want to have pretty tight control over merchandising rights.
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