Is it just me, or is it more tame here than in HK? I remember seeing the static and the impending riots they had with Guardian's Ani-Com sale. Boy, oh, boy...
Riots ??? have I missed something ???
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Sorry to bring this up again, but as a point of interest, the AVP movie Preds' body suits have genitals. Male genitals. Not that AVP is the bench mark of all things Predator, but still.
My opinion is that they share humanoid form, so like 99% of aliens in Star Wars and Star Trek who have humanoid form, they should also have humanoid sex organs.
I want to see a Predator with tatas.
Yeah I don't think the falcon is happening either. Even though I really want it to happen.
Honestly...... I don't think we'll get a Falcon. Probably just a Caster(like the AvP figures, all the casters were carbon copies of each other)
Seriously though if HT can include all the accessories most of the previous Preds got, they could easily include Falconer's falcon.
Ya ..its a piece of plastic ..why not..besides apart from the odd armour piece ,bio,dreads and skin color falconer is just the same as having the falcon is a must, i mean the poor predator has no shoulder cannon..give em something right?!
EX will be a falcon....![]()