Super Freak
Re: HT - M ICON- MIS06 Michael Jackson- full spec + hi-res pics

Im happy that Micheal is getting some respect thesedays but it takes the gravest of all circumstances for "Wacko Jacko" to become the King once again? And now its cool to like his music again, buy his T shirts, anything you can get your hands on? I know this happens after someone dies but to go from a living joke to this, is very hypocritical when it comes to the general public, just very unfortunate, i wish he were alive to see that people still respect him despite of the popular opinion, at least in this country that he was a child molesting disfigured monster. Its not like Elvis, who may have been not in the best of lights when he died either, this was far more severe. I have to admit as much as Im thrilled with the embrace of him and his music in recent weeks it really also somewhat disgusts me at the same time.
He was the coolest thing I could imagine as a kid, I have elvis and Johnny cash and Hendrix figures too but they don't have as personal a connection to my childhood as michael jackson, a figure I knew i needed to have way before he died.
I need a grammy michael! I think that was his best costume and look, apart from the thriller costume. Anyone else taking apart the billy jean costume to put on black, smiling sculpt MJ when the Thriller version is out this year?
That's what I was going to do. Of course I would be saving myself money by just sticking with the Thriller costume, but there is just something about that glove!! I have to have him in a matching outfit with the glove, and not the cheap looking glove that comes with the billy jean figure, I'm talking custom made with individual crystals glued on.
The only outfit to go with the glove is the Grammy 1984 Michael. The Motown I figured would be too plain with solid blacks, with the Grammy costume you get Red, Gold, the striped pants, etc. But LJN's costume is outdated, doesn't anyone on here make them?? Surely there must be someone who does?
and not the cheap looking glove that comes with the billy jean figure, I'm talking custom made with individual crystals glued on.
1/6 scale crystal? I don't think its possible dude. The one that came with the billy jean is good enough for me.
can u guys believe that i bought this figure the day before he died?! guess for how much.....100 bucks!!! lucky bastard huh?