Wow great pics, it felt like it took forever to release but this turned out really well.
Are you referring to the figure or the custom cape? I've had the figure since January, so relatively speaking it's one of the early JL releases.
Wow great pics, it felt like it took forever to release but this turned out really well.
You're right I wasn't clear, deleted my posts (seemed like I was talking about the custom cape but was talking about the figure lol)Are you referring to the figure or the custom cape? I've had the figure since January, so relatively speaking it's one of the early JL releases.
Finally unboxed this guy today... he's been in storage since release. Great looking figure imo the details on the suit are well done! I think I'll stay with the custom cape for now
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Contact Unreal Customs on FB. Jaxon Xu also makes custom capes and you can contact him on FB, too. There are others, but these are the two with whom I have done business.can somebody tell me where i can get a cape like this?
Contact Unreal Customs on FB. Jaxon Xu also makes custom capes and you can contact him on FB, too. There are others, but these are the two with whom I have done business.
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They're both here on the forum and on Instagrami dont have FB anymore, damn
is there another way maybe then?
Got my JL Bats last week and caved and ordered this one. I'm still not a fan of the Owlman googles but the rest looks great. Never would have thought I'd have 4 Affleck Bats.
Nice thing is you can leave the goggles off and it's actually a great looking cowl without them.
I just got my sixth one, lol. I'm having a hard time justifying keeping my SS Batman now that I have the BvS Batman....Got my JL Bats last week and caved and ordered this one. I'm still not a fan of the Owlman googles but the rest looks great. Never would have thought I'd have 4 Affleck Bats.
I'm still not a fan of the Owlman googles.
can somebody tell me where i can get a cape like this?
I think I paid around 115 for the wired cape from Unreal. Took about 2 months to receive it. Hope this helps
I'm not super happy with this pic as the fine details are washed out, but the light was fading fast and I really wanted to show off my new toy
I know I'm late to this party, but my 2c. This Batman is pretty impressive looking with a lot of detail. I think if I got him before Justice League Batman, I'd be a lot more thrilled. But in comparison he is pretty hard to pose and the cape is of a much lower quality (not sure if mine has just been too long in a box in a humid environment - shipped from Malaysia, seller obviously changed their location to make buyers think they were local) and was very stiff and stuck together. But man does this look good all set up. I ended up using the googles but on top the head, so not so Nite Owl looking. It feels a bit like an Armoured (Lite Edition) Batman. Overall I'm happy to add this one to the collection.