HT original Predator- photo thread

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Over the moon, I've currently made $300 selling some of my stuff, still got some bits left to sell, looks like I'll be buying myself a P1 shortly! :yess::thud::panic:
Yup, P2 is a nice figure, I realyl like how ferocious the portrait is, but from the neck down he reminds me of the early 90's Star Wars figure that came out when Kenner started up again, very He-Man style proportions, tiny waist, huge upper body, though some of that is the armo scale, but still, it just really doesn't capture the actual proportions of the suit KPH wore.

The P2 is my favorite Pred design to date. I would love HT remake him so I can finally have a nice P2 Pred in my collection.
P2 is a nice figure, I realyl like how ferocious the portrait is, but from the neck down he reminds me of the early 90's Star Wars figure that came out when Kenner started up again, very He-Man style proportions, tiny waist, huge upper body, though some of that is the armo scale, but still, it just really doesn't capture the actual proportions of the suit KPH wore.
what about these proportions.


this is what i hoped to see in Gort predator. but will have to get P1 body parts for him instead or Borg.
does anybody have a P1 body do sell?

p.s. K.P. Hall was so HUGE. damn.
that's what could be done by HT with new bodies.
it's my deepest hope about Predator figures for now, but...
i don't even believe it already.
what a pity.
P2 really deserves a makeover more than any other Pred imho. I first P2 is a great figure no doubt but and updated P2 Pred would be very welcome. At least for me since especially since I missed the P2.
Can't seem them updating any of the predators unless a new movies comes out.. Only reason the doing the P1 or so they say and that's the classic pred they doing not p1.

They can't even do a DX or BD P1 they nailed it with the first release apart from the height. New body aint enough reason to remake any preds without people really losing trust in HT and after the DX2 that is bad a move

If anything needs remade it's the Alien Marines but we aint going to see that also.

Don't get me wrong I would love to see them rework the old pred and marines but it aint going to happen without a new film.

I also think if they do any more lost preds they will have the old body as they have all the parts and so they wont look out of place next to the elder/lost/p2 etc
P2 really deserves a makeover more than any other Pred imho. I first P2 is a great figure no doubt but and updated P2 Pred would be very welcome. At least for me since especially since I missed the P2.

I got it and I'd still welcome an updated one, it's a cool figure, but looks far from what you see in that photo I posted of KPH in suit.
I got it and I'd still welcome an updated one, it's a cool figure, but looks far from what you see in that photo I posted of KPH in suit.

Agreed. I have the BD Predator 2 but would actually kind of like one that looked more movie accurate. Better proportions, proper body markings (the hot toys one just seemed to be shaded randomly :slap) Would be cool. But as others have said, i doubt they'd re-do them.
I think the P2 Pred has a few proportional problems. The body is the obvious one but also the armor is too big.
Agreed. I have the BD Predator 2 but would actually kind of like one that looked more movie accurate. Better proportions, proper body markings (the hot toys one just seemed to be shaded randomly :slap) Would be cool. But as others have said, i doubt they'd re-do them.

I think it's possible HT may remake some Preds down the road but not anytime soon sadly. This would have been a good year to re-release or remake the P2 because it is it's 20th anniversery.
I think it's possible HT may remake some Preds down the road but not anytime soon sadly. This would have been a good year to re-release or remake the P2 because it is it's 20th anniversery.

I think if they wanted to they would have done so already. But I think it also means that they gotta renew the licenses for the previous preds.
I think if they wanted to they would have done so already. But I think it also means that they gotta renew the licenses for the previous preds.

I suppose. Has their license run out for AVP and P2? Their still pumping out other Preds form P2 ala the Guardian Pred. There's alot of money to be made in the Predator/s/AVP license and all of the HT Preds have sold pretty well so that's why I think it's still possible they may remake some. But then again I probably just hope they remake some earlier Preds that way I don't have to pay outragious prices for the eariler ones :lol
I can't think of any product that Hot Toys has remanufactured. I wouldn't mind getting another power Loader for retail, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Who knows.
I can't think of any product that Hot Toys has remanufactured. I wouldn't mind getting another power Loader for retail, but that isn't going to happen any time soon.

Well tecnically they didn't remanufacture these guys but they did remake the Batman Begins Batman for the TDK line and remade 3 Jokers as well. I know a little bit different situation but still....
You would think that Hot Toys would see that there is a big demand for certain products and then fill that demand. But I guess that it's their licensing agreement that prohibits them from doing so. It's always the license holders that stand in the way of a good thing. :monkey2
I think it's just a combination of wanting to move forward and do other things rather than waste resources on stuff they've already done, and also not wanting to totally screw over collectors and turn into Apple putting out the latest "iPod" every time a new technology comes along to make a better figure.

Even the OC Batman put out with TDK was produced less than the actual TDK figures, they wanted to revisit it as the 2005 version was one of their first figures ever and they knew one today would be better, but they were moving onto TDK, and the demand for those figures supported being able to say, we screwed up, the first Batman and Joker were substandard, here are new ones up to the level we want to be at. Makes them more money, and also helps their public image of trying to look like there's no figure they can't do amazingly, and those 2 were questionable before their DX fixes.
I customized the customized mask I bought. I texturized the masks and paint them like the rest of the armor to match the Hot Toys figure as best as possible. PM me


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