Big Daddy Kel
Freaked Out
Wow, I can't wait to get all three 

where did you preorder?
Billy is a toss-up. I would get him if I KNEW that HT would be releasing at least a couple more of the crew. But Billy alone probably won't make the cut (unless he's available for considerably less.)
Yes, his proportions are damn good. For once, Hot Toys' Predator legs aren't too long, and the torso not too skinny. His legs could probably stand to be just a wee bit thicker still, but they're not too bad. Hopefully they didn't make him shorter in the process...It'll be interesting to see this next to other Preds. A point of discussion has been the preds having small heads, where this one looks in good scale to the body, so it makes you wonder, bigger better proportioned head or smaller body.
Yeah, could definitely do without the goofy bullet holes in the helmet; they kind of ruin the mask, and at no point did he have those in the movie.Ah!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does the mask have "battle damage!"
Ah!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does the mask have "battle damage!"...
Because the original Pred's mask had battle damage ALL THROUGH THE DAMN MOVIE!
I feel the same way...I don't want Billy unless I can get several members of the crew. If Blaine and Mac went up, then I'd start getting the crew.
But I'm leary of any further figures coming from Pred 1. Having released the Pred so early is very unusual for HT. I fear this may be the complete Pred 1 line. Perhaps issues with Fox allowed them to release what they had developed and nothing else after. Anyway, if there's more, then Billy should be easy enough to pick up later. He's down the list as far as must-haves. I would think Mac and Blaine and Dillon would be more popular -- and those are what I would expect for Wave 2. But again, I have a sneaking suspicion that something went sour with the Fox rights.
But for now, Pred and Dutch will do just fine.
Sabres21768's correct that the mask was rather weathered and beaten up looking, but it never had bullet holes in it and certainly not one right between the eyes.never noticed that , i´ll hace to check some screens
I've got a feeling that you're right. This may be the one and only wave that we get. It's really a shame that we can't get a nice run of figures off of this line. It's the same thing that happened with the "Alien" line. We got Dallas and Kane but no Lambert or Ripley or any of the others in the crew. These incomplete/unfullfilled lines really are a downer. I'm glad for what we did get but sure wished we could have gotten more characters.