HT The Dark Knight figures waiting room

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.....yet :D

Ive tried to keep up with this thread but overnight it moves to fast so I miss some things. Is the figure you have coming in from Animated or a different seller now?
The infamous animate_internationals unfortunately. Hopefully, I will get more than empty boxes:rolleyes:

Taa Daa no package today..booooooooo
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From Seller - Yat Mei Joanna Yuen

8/18/2008 08:39 PDT

I recall that you received the toy figures at first but you didn't mention the toys were missing, only the boxes were damaged. Your actual shipping address is different than your paypal shipping address. Thus,this is necessary for me to know who is the person that I am mailing to and I need to contact him for further reference or for authorities. As first you mention the boxes were damaged, so we had sent you the replacement for the boxes. Now you said you received the new boxes but the toys were missing. This is obviously because you mention that only the boxes were damaged. Please read your post and you know your explanation r ridiculous n contradicting each other. The batman and joker figures were packed together and shipped together, there is no way that the toys were missing unless your friend stole it. I think this is a joke,and you r the joker. You r tyring to makes things out from us but we will not step back as easily as you think. we have lawers for our company and we would be happy to have a talk with you if you think we r doing something wrong. So there is only three possible options, 1. Your friend steal it, 2. the post service deliver post steal it 3. You r lying.... We have everything to proof it and I don't think we will lose if we invite the cops to join us. Please recall what you said, espeically your post. You r making the stories up, and I am pretty sure u r losing track of your stories so please re-read your story and continue the jokes with us. We had already sent out the figures and the boxes, if it is necessary, I am willing to contact the authorities to help us to solve the problem. I don't want to make things difficult but you r trying to give us a tough time even though i don't think is worth for a toy figures that worth 350 dollars. Good luck!!

Quote:From Buyer - Justin Ramirez

8/18/2008 18:16 PDT

Hi, I never mentioned BOXES damaged, I said BOX, because you only sent ONE. No Joker.

You also said you misposted BATMAN figure, when you hadn't as I had obviously recieved it, but NO JOKER.

I only mentioned the box damage because BATMAN figure was DAMAGED. I don't care about the condtions of boxes because I open my figures, but felt it relevant since item came DAMAGED.

I am not lying, I've been VERY patient and curteous with you, and now you are accusing me of being trying to rip you off? You were paid to send ITEMS EMS post, and you sent me ONE box, via AIRMAIL. That is FRAUD.

I have 100% feedback both as a seller and buyer on ebay for many years, you have had NUMEROUS negatives with buyers UNHAPPY in the past month alone.

I also have the original box and shipping slip for box, and if I remember correctly you were DISHONEST about the value of the package on the customs form. Are you aware of the consequences of lying on a federal form?

You can try and blame me of theifing all you want, but I have numerous evidence, not to mention you've made A LOT of buyers unhappy with you, that will strongly favor me.

If you don't want to send me a replacement Batman figure that is fine, I can accept it was damaged in transit, and won't blame you for it. You made it seem as if you would glady accept sending a replacement, though I never asked, so I was happy with that. But if you won't, refund the difference of shipping that I paid for, since you did not send it EMS.

If you are going to still rob me of the JOKER FIGURE i paid for, refund me in full the 148.88 plus 36.88 I paid for EMS shipping.

I am also very impressed with how well your english skills have progressed in such a short time.
I really hope he does pull some authority investigation bull**** on me so I can sue him for even MORE money:rolleyes:
I really hope he does pull some authority investigation bull**** on me so I can sue him for even MORE money:rolleyes:
Did you pay with credit card through Paypal, if so dispute the charge through the CC company to get your money back.
Did you file a SNP and SNAD with Ebay as well?
unfortunately I put it on my Paypal credit, so I can't do that as far as I know. but if Paypal doesn't give me my money back I will raise hell with them.

unfortunately I put it on my Paypal credit, so I can't do that as far as I know. but if Paypal doesn't give me my money back I will raise hell with them.

SNP: Seller Non-Performance
SNAD: Item not received or Significantly Not as Described
And this is why I'm ecstatic that I ordered through Joe. He speaks English and is from the boards so we could hunt him down if need be.
And this is why I'm ecstatic that I ordered through Joe. He speaks English and is from the boards so we could hunt him down if need be.
I learned my lesson, I put in an order with Joe for the BR Joker. I really wish I would of gotten in sooner for this Joker than maybe I could of ordered from someone with a good reputation :monkey2 There was not too many choices at the time so ebay was my only option.
I really hope he does pull some authority investigation bull**** on me so I can sue him for even MORE money:rolleyes:

I feel for you. I was so close on getting the toys from them and I'm glad I didn't. Glad I got it through Joe. Yah, funny how his english changed.
I too am waiting on Goodshipped. When did you order bud? Because as far as I'm aware he has started shipping them.

Its pretty much been 2 months. Ordered on the 17th of June. Been messaging him a lot and latest reply he said end of August. Oh well ill wait. He seems like a good guy
I ordered the Joker and Batman Begins figures from ABC Express back on May 20. Paid $323 for the pair. Recieved the figures this past Saturday Aug 16 in terrific shape.

Only bummer was being charged $56 dollars for $34 dollars in actual shipping charges.

Waiting on the Dark Knight figure (ordered from abc express on 6-26-2008).
I pre-ordered the Dark knight version from toys2 second wave due in Oct. it'll be a long wait,but from the pics of the first Batman I don't doubt it'll be worth it.
I ordered the Joker and Batman Begins figures from ABC Express back on May 20. Paid $323 for the pair. Recieved the figures this past Saturday Aug 16 in terrific shape.

Only bummer was being charged $56 dollars for $34 dollars in actual shipping charges.

Waiting on the Dark Knight figure (ordered from abc express on 6-26-2008).

when I ordered my elder pred from them I noticed the shipping charge on the label was lower then what I paid, but ah well its been some time already.
Yeah the Joker sure is playing tricks.

I checked my tracking and it shows that a delivery attempt was made and a notice left. No notice and no mail was left for today :rolleyes:

Did they atleast leave your regular mail.....granny? But even if they did it seems odd that they didnt leave a notice slip, everytime I missed a package I found either the slip in my mail box or the package kinda hidden by the door.

Hopefully it causes no trouble for you, cause if its one of those slips you need to take in to the post to get your package your in trouble. BUT if its a slip letting you know they would be back tomorrow then it isnt as bad....just sucks that your gonna miss another day waiting for the mail.
Did they atleast leave your regular mail.....granny? But even if they did it seems odd that they didnt leave a notice slip, everytime I missed a package I found either the slip in my mail box or the package kinda hidden by the door.

Hopefully it causes no trouble for you, cause if its one of those slips you need to take in to the post to get your package your in trouble. BUT if its a slip letting you know they would be back tomorrow then it isnt as bad....just sucks that your gonna miss another day waiting for the mail.

I received nothing today, and yes it is one of those slips you need to bring in to get your package. It was the first attempt so two more and the package will be sent back. I am going to call my post office tomorrow to get it sorted out. So either USPS screwed up or Wilfred screwed up and put the wrong suite number. I'll find out hopefully tomorrow :banghead
My shippment came today, WOW! Its funny, as awesome as the Bats and Joker are i'm really digging the Takara Terrorist Batman with HT Wayne head!
Shoulda ordered my joker from abc too...I just filed a dispute against Animate..and paypal escalated it automatically..looks like I'm screwed if this wilfred/joanna won't send my joker..i might just get a partial refund