i understand your point..but i think the first pf's ,which were not hollow,like doom ,hulk iron man comiq,made sideshow what she is now...
i understand your point..but i think the first pf's ,which were not hollow,like doom ,hulk iron man comiq,made sideshow what she is now...
can someone explain me this,hulk is the same in dimensions with hb..but hulk weights 51 lbs and hb 15 lbs..is this difference cause the one is a pf and the other comiquette??
She is a pretty nice company and Sideshow does have a great bod![]()
Especially the Buffy end.
I revert my statement"that is one ugly... ......" --Arnold (Predator)
Several people canceling this and Wolvie cause of the ES. SS needs to start implementing fees.
Several people canceling this and Wolvie cause of the ES. SS needs to start implementing fees.
Hell no. I like the no fee cancellation policy, mainly because of if something comes up that is not planned and I need to cancel I can.
That's what he is trying to derail, if you're not serious about the purchase they don't submit the order, kind of policy.
I bet if they did do this a lot more ppl would not be pre-ordering items left and right.
I understand that and for me it isn't about that...its about the unknown things that may come up and for some reason I cannot keep it. I agree you shouldn't be preordering things if you aren't sure you cannot afford it or know you definitely want it.
i for one would have no problem with a cancelation fee. if i ordered something and later i changed my mind and lost say 10% of the purchase price, well next time it would make me more sure before ordering.
as for the "things come up senario" well that's life and live with it imo.
many other companies have the non-refundable deposit stance and it doesn't seem to affect their sales.
Cancellation fees for SSC do not makes sense. I understand retailers charging the fee because they order a set quantity and if you back out then they are screwed with it but this is SSC's own product, not to mention the recent cancellations (if that is what they are) are based on SSC's incorrect identication of the edition size and by their own admittance its fully understandable to cancel not because of flipper but REALITY. If the SSC Exclusive and the Regular are the same price which they routinely are then why not get the EX? Its free. If you nabbed the ex and see a skyhigh ES then common sense would tell you that it will most likely be found on the secondary market for less not to mention if you weren't that fond of the Ex you can go through an AD for less.
If you cancel with SSC they are still getting the product because its all shipped to them anyway and they'll just sell it on their site, I don't see where a cancellation fee makes sense unless it were specifically in play to get real hardline baselines for determining edition sizes.
I order a lot. I cancel about 40% of my Pre-Orders due to multiple issues or even because I go the AD route or sometimes skip it in preference of another item. If SSC started charging fees and I wanted an Ex the simple solution would be not only not to order but just wait for second chance which has become almost a given on popular pieces.
It'd be hurtful to SSC because instead of trying to get something and making it work by the time of shipment people would just all in all pass and since it isn't really hurting SSC's bottom line since Edition Sizes are all predetermined and at any given moment you could have x amount of 1500 or 2500 in your warehouse at any given time it doesn't make good business sense either to push people towards getting away from even ordering a piece.