Re: automatic weapon fire a block from my house this morning
There was no other way this was gonna end. Cant say i'm surprised
There was no other way this was gonna end. Cant say i'm surprised
I don't think he's any kind of hero, my concern is the police in my country and the abuse of their power, thats what started all this.Ultimately Dorner proved his point because the cops were stupid enough to play into his plan.
Doesn't change the fact that the police handled it wrong and as a result made him look more sympathetic and considering they can't with any level of confidance say they got the right guy.
lol at all you guys treating this dude like he was some kind of folk hero like Joe Hill or something.![]()
I'd say he proved the cops murder people too and made them look like incompetent secretive panic whores to alot of people on live tv more or less proving his point. Straight up lying at the press conferences, not letting the news choppers film what was happening, shooting at innocent women in LA, Fish and Game wardens running through the woods firing hundreds of shots with no id, they still don't even know if it's him in there but they killed him by going Waco pt.2. They look far from professional or competent right now not being able to say they murdered the correct criminal. They were searching cars because he may have had an accomplice? "But now he's dead so lets not worry about that guy even though we're not sure who we killed."
You don't burn the place to a crisp so it takes weeks to know if you got the right guy while meanwhile he can flee to another country, you go in and put a bullet in his head personally and confirm you got the right guy. That's why the police pay SWAT teams and arrest arsonists. Unless of course they need to be hypocritical or get things wrapped up before the pres is on at 9pm.
I agree, didn't want to say something like this without being attacked by cop lovers.
I for one don't really like cops. Many are good, but l find far more are on their high horses, go on power trips, they lie, murder, cover ups and over react most of the time.
Someone in charge who gave the order to burn the place down should be fired. Will that person? Of course not. They Will cover it up.
lol at all you guys treating this dude like he was some kind of folk hero like Joe Hill or something.![]()
When did I ever say anything of such?If MFoga is really a cop as he claims.
When did I ever say anything of such?
You talk about people not reading and you make that statement. You proved you don't read.
Also NEVER put words in my mouth ever again.
There will always be the conspiracy people who hate cops period.
The police had a real oppurtunity here to prove they weren't what everyone including the former cop they were after was claiming they were
Well said.There will always be the conspiracy people who hate cops period.
The police had a real oppurtunity here to prove they weren't what everyone including the former cop they were after was claiming they were, currupt, liar, murderers. Instead they played right into his hands and murdered him on live tv. Shouting "Burn the mother ****er down, Burn him burn him!" like maniacs. They proved hes correct, the Police in this country are broken and corrupt, they lie to the public and will murder without a trial or even real proof of who they are after. They are no differant than the criminals. Chris Dorner won the same way Osama Bin Laden won, as corny as it sounds the same way the Joker in TDK won. He proved they are no better and now everyone who's assumed they just wanted him dead ever since they tryed to murder those women a week ago will continue their lives thinking he is right.
Saying this doesn't mean I hate cops, I just love America and don't want it corrupted. I get them and why we need them, but we need to take a serious look at who were letting into that organisation just as much as we need to look at gun control.
If MFoga is really a cop as he claims, look what else that says, his misconceptions of his powers, thinking he can open fire on a car because they were driving with no lights on, they don't have to ID suspects and the real critical one, calling anyone with a problem a Cop Hater. If thats the mentality the cops have, they all hate us, then it says alot as to the way they treat everyone doesn't it. Police officers use to take the job to protect people, now it's just whats available in the job market.
When did I ever say anything of such?
You talk about people not reading and you make that statement. You proved you don't read.
Also NEVER put words in my mouth ever again.
Let's put some of you guys on the front lines of a 5 day battle with a resourceful and highly dangerous killer and I am sure we would see real fast just how high minded you will be.
I served in Iraq. So what else ya got? That it...STFU then.