I think you might've just seen the price and stopped processing at that point. You're really dismissing what an impressive piece of 1:6 engineering the gurney is and the amount of work that went into producing a limited run for it. I'm not a fan of the franchise or Iminime's Lector (therefore wasn't interested in buying it), but that gurney's a piece of 1:6 art, IMO. Can't compare it to a mainstream SSC/HT release.
If I liked the character so much I would just get this, (way cheaper too)

And, I know someone will say "It doesn't look that good"
But if i am going to pay 12 grand on something. At Least make it full size. At least.....
I would probably try to get a really good sculpt of the face and try to find everything else. Things are probably going to be easier to find in full scale instead of 1:6 scale.
I Bet finding that hand truck is cheaper in full scale....
that is one thing that AutobotJon does that it is at least kind of cool, He does like making full size statues (Even though they look melted most of the time)
I don't see paying that much money as bad if you really wanted. But seriously if you are going to spend that money, at least make it show.