Here in southern IL. it looks like the freakin' north pole. A few miles south in KY. it's apparently a helluva lot worse....looks like a war zone on the news. Thank goodness I'm sick and don't have to go anywhere for a few days because I don't think I could even if I wanted to.
Damn, that is a lot of ice! We had something similar last year... a lot of the communities around where I live got really messed-up. Pretty much all of the trees had numerous broken branches... it was pretty bad.
Hey Galactiboy I left you a message on your user profile.Still not sure how to get to the PM feature here unless someone else PM's me first.Still no school here but everything else has been open and people working.
Yeah, there's still people living around here that don't have power. Kinda surprised that the power to the university didn't go down, but it did flicker a lot.
We had a storm in Maryland a few days ago and had ice and snow around for a few days. Schools closed, and on the road most drivers were going about 15 mph every where.