The soundtracks exactly the same.
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That's awesome! I was at Videogames Live once where they performed the score live, it was genuinely beyond moving.
Me too! I remember how elated I was when they performed songs from Shadow and Silent Hill 2. What a night.
Nice! What year was it and where was it held? Was Akira Yamaoka there?
They didn't perform any Silent Hill music at my venue, unfortunately. But I did met Tommy Tallarico and got him to sign a poster.![]()
Nice one! I also met Tommy but didn't request a signing. I did get a photo, though!
I wish Akira Yamaoka had been in attendance but he wasn't. I expressed my excitement over Silent Hill 2 being played to Tommy and he told me that he and Akira had played together while on tour. I was disappointed by Akira's exclusion but grateful that Tommy had played it nonetheless.
It was held in Thunder Bay, ON, Canada during 2011, if I remember correctly -- a small town that I'm sure Tommy will not be revisiting due to a surprisingly poor turnout. Not that I blame him.![]()
Yeah I was lucky to buy the figures I have when I did. I think I picked them up maybe a year or so after they were released and got the set pretty cheap, especially compared to what they go for today. I'm hoping I can pick up that EU Valus collectors statue for a decent price. The Gaius statue looks incredible, I can't wait to pick that one up when it comes out. I'm only on the 6th colossi right now haha. I've really just been taking my time exploring the world and trying to find those enlightenments. I'm so curious about what happens when you find them all!Cool stuff, been looking on ebay for those statues but i agree stuff is too expensive. I have the gamestop statue preordered thats coming out in may of gaius. Just beat the game for ps4 like a 1/2 hr ago.
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I have yet to pick up the remake but I'm very eager to play it.
I can fondly recall buying the original game at launch in October of 2005. I had never played Ico before and I bought Shadow on a whim (alongside Batman Begins on DVD). I'd never experienced anything like it and haven't to this day. It paved the way for that level of artistic expression in video games.
Also, if anyone's interested, iam8bit is releasing Shadow's soundtrack on vinyl. It's one of my favourite game soundtracks so I'll be pre-ordering soon.
Yeah, I was assuming Yamaoka was there because he does tour with Tallarico on occasions. Yamaoka's my hero, along with Hibino.
Regardless, it's great that you got to attend the show, such a great gift to those who enjoy videogame music. There are blu rays and audio CDs of the show on their site, if you wanna check those out.
I ordered this the first day they listed it up, I've been waiting YEARS for this soundtrack to be pressed. Easily one of the greatest soundtracks of all time for me
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Those are some great heroes to have! Are you a musician?
I've thought about getting the DVDs and CDs before but have yet to pull the trigger. I sure would love to watch a performance or two...
I wish! No, I'm just an audiophile.![]()
Agreed! Like I said, Shadow set a precedent for artistry in a video game and its soundtrack played a large part in that achievement. I'm trying not to get into collecting vinyl (they're expensive) but considering what the game and soundtrack have meant to me over the years, this is one exception that I'm willing to make.
I remember the little statues popping up on eBay back in the day. I wanted to get them but decided to pass them by. I wish I hadn't but I'd probably have ended up selling them anyway, just like I did the MGS2 Gashapons by Yamato. I freaking loved those things.![]()
I'm halfway through my third playthrough and currently have 65 coins collected.
The cave with the barrel is a nod to The Last Guardian it was added. There are a few extras in this game than they werent in the other two games that you'll have to discover.
If you look on your map in the bottom left-hand corner there's two clouds and the amount of coins that you collected is in the corner of those clouds.
There is no map of where the coins are that you can get from the game for beating time attack, but here is a map that I found online. it doesn't tell you specifically where exactly the coins are, but it shows the general location.