Has anyone here received their Akuma Iconiq??
I received mine, and my joy was short-lived......
Everything seems new, from the box to the figure itself, including the body.
And yet, the body has a big problem, or rather an arm.
The left arm is a bit floppy, I don't really know how to describe it but it is much less rigid than his right arm which is perfectly rigid (as any Phicen body should be in fact)
And by manipulating it a bit, I quickly realized the problem...
Here is Akuma, as you can see visually he has no problem
Well when I push the arms back, this is what it gives, his right arm (so on the left in the photo) stays straight because I can't go any further, while the other arm which is abnormally flexible I can position it in an abnormal way, which it shouldn't since it bends backwards!
The worst is that I don't even have to force it because it has no resistance, I put it in this position with one finger very easily without forcing it for 1 second (I'm sure I can push it further but I don't want to because the arm is not designed to be bent in this direction)
Look at what it looks like up close (once again I didn't force it at all, the arm is so flexible that you can put it like that directly)
Whereas with the other arm which is normal and rigid it is impossible to bend it like that, it remains straight its right arm and therefore perfectly normal, impossible to go further
Worse still, look if I put it in this pose everything seems normal we don't see anything wrong
Well if I bend the arms (in a totally normal way which should not pose a problem) well I can bend his right arm normally with a good amplitude, and the left arm which has a problem I can't go further than that, it blocks totally and of course I don't intend to force
This is the maximum I can bend
Do you think I can fix this myself?
Because this is clearly a problem of badly positioned skeleton in the arm!
I can't understand how this goes through quality control, they don't test the joints!??
It's a Nightmare...
I have the Ryu and Ken from Iconiq who have the same body, and I've never had this problem.