Unfortunately no. The SCS meeting was at the same time as Snakes on a Plane or Spider-man 3/Ghost Rider. I did go to the Simpsons panel, but I didn't see anyone I knew. I also didn't see any Sideshow Freaks there (that I know of). I wasn't able to go to the party because I was with my family and we were going non-stop to things. It was a blast though.
For all of those that don't think the throne is worth $200, you just need to see this thing in person to see its value. Sure $150 would be good too, but this thing is HUGE, detailed, and completes the set. Sideshow said they were thinking about having it come with Jabba, but figured this would be better because the Throne (at least at its price) will not be for everyone. The throne's price may also be taking some price off of Jabba, who could easily be $150. Also note, the Crumb pack is only $33. Sideshow usually rounds to the nearest $5 so saving us $2 is another plus to me because it shows they just don't round up to the nearest $5, but try to give us the best figure for the best price.
When you all get Jabba, your going to realize that he is well worth his price and hopefully the throne will not be sold out to those that didn't order it so they can order it after Jabba arrives. For being a fat, slimey, slug, this thing is a beautiful sculpture and my Sideshow hat is off to Dooley for such a great job. I saw things on Jabba (cut tail) that I never noticed before and re-watched Jedi the other day and saw them this time. This will be the Grail of the Star Wars line until something else this massive and impressive comes along.