Why do I get a vibe that some people here vehemently defend Sideshow's original choices no matter what the suggestion? We are all just wanting the best products possible...
I think you're absolutely right. I just was commenting that the SS reps actually said they didnt do more articulation b/c of the price. For me, I thought the whole idea was price. We pay more for standard SS figures with more, more, more. More articulation, more soft goods, more everything. SS's R&D make high end products that sell for friggin 1grand and they sell out, so the excuse that the 1/6 line articulation was cut b/c of cost is just not something I'd thought Id hear from SS. Most of the guys here seem to shell out well over $300 for PF statues, so what's the difference in adding a little more to the 1/6 Jabba to make him more poseable AND fit more properly into the whole concept of the 1/6 line - ARTICULATED, highly detailed collectibles. Right now, Jabba is almost a slick way to get a PF Jabba made at a lower price point. Heck, I dont see why anyone would wince at a higher price, folks pay 3 times as much for 1/6 Hot Toys and double for 1/6 Medicom! What's wrong with paying more for hyper articulated Jabba?....well as hyper articulated as Jabba could be.
Relax guys, it's okay for someone to WISH SS would have done this instead of that! They arent gods and they DO make mistakes - Maybeit'sMabeline Anakin and MonkeyBoy Luke!!!!