Ilum Padme?

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That's HOT -- spooky bald chick. I love it.
I took the image of the sculpt and super-imposed it over the picture. The sculpt is not that far off.


Nice work...

Again I'm happy with the sculpt and glad that it was still available once I got back from playing eighteen holes of the gentlemen's game...

Now when they release the Padme from the AOTC arena on Geonosis--- that's when I'll be super picky... The face is there and the costume/look comes from a cartoon...
i read alot of disapproval of this figure in this thread but padme is the number one seller for the sdcc so far. and natalie is just friggin HOT!
i read alot of disapproval of this figure in this thread but padme is the number one seller for the sdcc so far. and natalie is just friggin HOT!

Disapproval? Negative comments? In this SW thread?...

C'mon--- you're kidding, right?:rolleyes:
I wish they'd used more of a nylon material instead of the viynl stuff. Then just used a white body so the skin wouldn't show through. It'd be a better fit which would make more visually appealing. It's a cute outfit and very fitting to character, but I don't think it transitioned well from the cartoon. Seems to be lacking any kind of detail and ends up look very plain.
Sideshow did say that the prototype is still being developed and that the costume material is very likely to change. It seems as though this was a case where development was behind schedule but they wanted to debut/PO it for SDCC, so they brought what they had.
Sideshow did say that the prototype is still being developed and that the costume material is very likely to change. It seems as though this was a case where development was behind schedule but they wanted to debut/PO it for SDCC, so they brought what they had.

Yeah, I really look at her as a work in progress, and don't think she'll be arriving until next year. I doubt they'll throw her into production like that. Her quality just seems laking for a SSC figure. Kinda like that Luke that nobody talks about. He was rushed, and they pretty much just went with what they had to get him out in time for CIV.
A thicker cotton-type material would give the angles of the body a softer look and would also thicken the legs and waist a bit. Hopefully they go that route.

Regardless, the headsculpt is awesome and totally Portman. Excellent work Trev.



They need to darken the eyes but that's certainly no fault of the sculpt.
I agree, I think the eyes the killer here. They look to light to be human eyes. But again I think she was a little rushed for the Con. Everything else looks fine to me. Even the angle of the eyebrows!
It's the upper lip that throws off the likeness. Everything else looks pretty good. The irises just need to be repositioned.
I don't think even the upper lips are off, I see Natalie in that sculpt 100%, it's freakin' me out too cuz I think she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
I don't get the complaints about the sculpt... thing looks great.

And my guess about Dave's PM is that he's a bit tired of new members coming in and making a bunch of negative comments right off the bat. Seem to be happening a lot... so maybe this was a way to nip it in the bud.
I agree. The sculpt is amazing.

But unless the paint apps (mostly the eyes) and the costume are improved, I won't be buying the figure.

It seems like people are being intentionally dense in summarizing the critiques. Few people have said the sculpt is bad. Most (though not all) have praised the original sculpt. The "180" is that the sculpt was not well-served by the paint application or being put on a body with ill-fitting clothing.
I say the sculpt is 95% there, which is pretty damn good. She just got sucked into the collagen hype that most rich celebs do.

C'mon folks, the beauty of these boards is that people can say what they like, positive or negative. I usually disagree with the negative comments, but I don't think any point of view should be discouraged/censored.

If negative views are predominating it's probably because they're more motivated to post. The dissatisfied will always make the most noise.
Every once in awhile I reflect on how cool looking Medicom and Hot Toys look, yet how outrageously expensive they are. I also think about the quality of the Hasbro figures and how long I lamented them. I think about the complaints about Sideshow and how they have systematically corrected them from server crashes, to reward points, to improving packaging, and now finally the long sought after body improvement. They set the SW collecting world in shock last year with the Jabba set up. They have packed loads of accessories into their figures and have continually had the best customer service of not only the 1:6 world but pretty much any retailer I have ever seen.
They aren't perfect but they certainly seem to be making a real effort (I would love to see them revive the Angel line for a few more figures and I'm not thrilled with creeping prices). But I have noticed the things to complain about.
So thank God for the Star Wars forum where this never a shortage of dissatisfaction. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not in love with the Padme figure, I think the vinyl costume looks silly, and the pupils need repositioning, but like most cases the amount of venom spewed is far more than is deserved, in my opinion.

Oh yeah, and Dave is thoroughly evil. I heard he laughed about the Mike Vick predicament.
Just to clarify, anyone can express their opinion here, even if it's not popular. However, HOW that opinion is expressed makes a huge difference.
Just to clarify, anyone can express their opinion here, even if it's not popular. However, HOW that opinion is expressed makes a huge difference.

It's like if I said I don't agree with Dave. I could say: "Dave I don't agree with you." Or I could say "Dave, you ****ing suck and your opinion is worthless." and post a certain Hulk pic. They both get the same message across. The other is just funnier.
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