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Re: Star Wars

If the OT is going to be changed I would like:
1- CGI Yoda
2- Battle Droids, and Destroyer Droids sprinkled throughout
3- CGI Ewoks with blinking eyes and expressions!
4- An extending of the Endor Space Battle involving the Star Destroyers
5- An extending of the battle on Endor involving more of the Endor troops and making the Stormtroopers more bad ass then they were.
6- Fixing that bizarre scene with Jabba and everyone else sleeping in Jabba's palace, and showing Jabba slithering over to the freeing of Han Solo instead of just hiding behind a curtain.
7- And fixing the Jabba scene in ANH so that Han doesn't step on his tail!
8- More AT-ATs!
9- And possibly a scene showing Boba Fett escaping the Sarlec Pit as the Falcon speeds away in the sky.

I don't think Capt. Cody would survive into the OT. They have a very short life span. but it would be cool.
All the changes in the world would be fine as long as the original versions of the OT just restored are available on DVD.
Re: Star Wars



I don't think Capt. Cody would survive into the OT. They have a very short life span. but it would be cool.

I think the future clones should sound like Temeura Morrison. They changed Boba Fett's voice for the DVD, why not the stormies'? Remember, the source of clones is Jango Fett; I don't see any reason why the Empire would seek a new contractor for the supply of their troop capacity. Kaminoans are cloners...period. :D
Re: re

I think the future clones should sound like Temeura Morrison. They changed Boba Fett's voice for the DVD, why not the stormies'? Remember, the source of clones is Jango Fett; I don't see any reason why the Empire would seek a new contractor for the supply of their troop capacity. Kaminoans are cloners...period.

I wouldn't mind that, but personally I liked the original Boba Fett voice more then the new one. Also I noticed in both AOTC and in ROTS that not all the Clones are Temeura Morrison, although maybe he is intended to be Temeura when he was younger. I've also heard somewhere that by the time of the Clone Wars in ROTS there are many other systems making their own Clone armies from new stock.

There was a story in the comics that one of the clones unnaturally lived very long into the OT and thought the war was still ongoing, so it's possible for Cody or another clone to live into the OT.
Re: re

Battle Droids, and Destroyer Droids sprinkled throughout

In ROTS, Palpatine instructs Vader to order all of the Battle Droids shut down after he kills all of the Separatists.

I think the future clones should sound like Temeura Morrison. They changed Boba Fett's voice for the DVD, why not the stormies'? Remember, the source of clones is Jango Fett; I don't see any reason why the Empire would seek a new contractor for the supply of their troop capacity.

Viking posted the answer to this from SW Insider #82 in another thread, but I'll repost it here:

"The fact that many of the stormtropers seen in the original trilogy were clones was kept a secret from us viewers"

"As a side note, by the time of a New Hope, the Empire had begun using different clone hosts as well as conscripts as stormtroopers."