I don't think Capt. Cody would survive into the OT. They have a very short life span. but it would be cool.
I think the future clones should sound like Temeura Morrison. They changed Boba Fett's voice for the DVD, why not the stormies'? Remember, the source of clones is Jango Fett; I don't see any reason why the Empire would seek a new contractor for the supply of their troop capacity. Kaminoans are cloners...period.
Battle Droids, and Destroyer Droids sprinkled throughout
I think the future clones should sound like Temeura Morrison. They changed Boba Fett's voice for the DVD, why not the stormies'? Remember, the source of clones is Jango Fett; I don't see any reason why the Empire would seek a new contractor for the supply of their troop capacity.