darthviper107 said:
I doubt that Sideshow is in any kind of trouble. I mean look at how successful the Star Wars line is. They sell out really quickly, I mean each figures generates lots of profit.
But that is because Sideshow only sells a percentage of the figures through their site. The sold out sign goes up pretty quickly, but although this gives the view that the products are selling really well, believe me they aren't.
If there is anyone else here in the industry, they will tell you most of the 12 inchers after Kit Fisto are still quite easy to find wholesale. You look at most web sites other than Sideshow, and you will see they have stock of most items. In fact a lot of on line stores are starting to sell the stuff of cheap, and it won't be long before they are selling it at below cost to clear it.
So what does this mean, it means stores are no longer pre-ordering the line in quanities, which means importers and wholesalers are also cutting back. I said a while ago that the Endor Soliders could kill this line, and as much as I hate to say it, because I still collect most of it, it seems Sideshow are struggling with the 12 inch line, and they've only got themseleves to blame.
12 inch figures have always been a hard sell, most stores don't touch them. They take up to much space, and generate little profit, which is exactly the situation sideshow find themseleves in. Why do you think Snowbunny Padme hasn't been announced. It been nearly a year since we knew it was coming, but still nothing. So it makes it even more of a poor business discussion by Sideshow to start releasing 12 inch figures that main stream Star Wars fans couldn't care less about. How many here ordered the Endor Soliders, only to later cancel them. How many here are waiting for a core character announcement? Sure there are those who will buy anything Sideshow produces, but at the end of the day, these collectors do not generate the income Sideshow needs to survive. After all don't forget this is a business, run to make money, not run for collectors.
Sideshow need to keep the wider collectors base happy, and by releasing Endor Soliders, Jabba's creatures and expanded universe characters, into a historically difficult market, I think hey have shot themseleves in the foot, and are now struggling with this line. They would have put a huge percentage of there resources into the Star Wars line and if this line fails, they will be in serious trouble.
The only thing that will save this line is the announcement of main characters. Because this is the only way Sideshow will tempt importers, wholesales and retailers to start pre-ordering the lines again. Even now though, I think it may be to late to convince many to start buying this line again. What really annoys me, as I think it was the worst thing Sideshow could have done, was the price increase being announced at the same time they introduced these z-list characters. I don't know if this was very poor business decision, or just arrogance on Sideshows part, believing collectors will buy anything.
I think its 9 months since a main character was announced, 5 or 6 months since a 12 inch figure was announced. Some people on here will be singing Sideshow praises and pretending alls rosey, and calling me all sorts of crap, because I dare say something against their beloved Sideshow. But look at the facts and make your own mind up? How many other compaines have gone quite and slowed down their announcements and products in the 30th anniversary year. It should be all systems go, and it's clearly not the case with Sideshow. But the bottom line is Sideshow makes the figures to make profits, and if the figures aren't selling, and the warehouses are not shifting the stuff, they aren't going to order more of it. Had Boba Fett, Vader and other a-list characters been announced for pre-order then the line may have hope, but who's going to buy boxes of Endor Soliders, expended Universe characters for a higher cost, when even some of the core characters are collecting dust in the wholesalers, and aren't moving at lower prices? It just doesn't make business sense.
While Sideshow are annoucing new products in other areas of the Star Wars universe, the 12 inch line, a line which started of at a mad pace, and with many different collections (Jedi, Scum, Heroes, Sith, Milarity) has now slowed down to a dribble. And unless Sideshow changes it's attidue to the line, the 12 inch collection will slow down to a rate of 2 or 3 a years before stopping altogether.
Flame me if you want, but you know deep down I have a point. If products stays at wholesale for more than a few months, wholesale don't buy more of the product. And if wholesalers don't but products, compaines don't make products. Period.