Grange Wallis
Super Freak
Well, I've honestly, I've been playing to mod out this thing with a Sanwa stick & buttons somewhere down the line... And hopefuly will learn how to make my own custom sticks in the future! 
After reading a bunch of user comments on the NeoGaf and SRK forums for the Mad Catz SE stick, I decided to cancel my pre-order for it.
Well, I decided on canceling after watching this:
<object width="400" height="222"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="222"></embed></object><br /><a href="">Madcatz ^^^^^stick</a> from <a href="">Michael Rivard</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.
Guy gets angry at busted SE stick, kind of funny, a bit crazy.
After reading a bunch of user comments on the NeoGaf and SRK forums for the Mad Catz SE stick, I decided to cancel my pre-order for it.
Well, I decided on canceling after watching this:
<object width="400" height="222">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="222"></object>
Madcatz ^^^^^stick from Michael Rivard on Vimeo.
Guy gets angry at busted SE stick, kind of funny, a bit crazy.
YES! I was able to get my hands on a TE fightstick today!![]()
damn brah, where did you find one? details, i need one of these!
My co worker knows a guy who works at PC gamestop and told him they got a extra TE, which they told me I had no chance in getting one when I asked if I could get on a waitlist or something. He asked if I wanted it cuz if not he was going to pick it up. So of course I ended up with it. BTW he told me toysnjoys is expecting some TE in next week but it cost $180 and they say price may increase. I also scored a Ryu fightpad. You just got to know some one who knows someone, you know what I mean. I just got lucky.
My local Gamestop somehow got one TE stick and I got it...bad thing is that the triangle button is broken. The employee told me to call madcatz directly to see what they can do.
I'm probably going to have to wait a couple of weeks for a replacement or something.
congrats man. ^^^^ it, im not even in the state at the moment. if i were i'd probably have some hookups. oh well.
can't you just reassign the triangle to a different button?
That doesn't negate the fact that he got a malfunctioning product he wants fixed.
God, I need to get a fightpad. I was playing street fighter for like 4 hours last night with a standard xbox controller. It's near impossible to use!.....or maybe I suck....
same here bro !!
I am so pissed at this game right now.
I played a couple of tournaments in the arcade and I was not bad.
playing with this controler sucks so bad. I have lost so many fights online due to missing finishing combos, special moves etc.....
I might just forget about spending more money on this game.
even the tournament stick is having QC problems and for 180 bucs I rather buy some collectibles.
lets face it there is no way I will enter a pro tournament of street fighter 4 because the japaness players would just mope the floor with me.
its a great game but just good to play with your friends and showcase the awsome graphics.
I was so stressed last nite playing online that I had to stop playing the game online.