Guys I got mine today and let me say DO NOT WORRY. It is well worth it. Massive, imposing, heavy, and everything you imagined.
Pics don't do this piece justice. In hand, you will be blown away guaranteed. The face sculpt by Erik Sosa is fine, perfect. Don't worry about the lazy eye or whatever, when you display it naturally not with amateur flashbulb digital photography it will destroy you.
And next to the Iron Man Comiquette
Sorry I forgot to include a picture with the helmet up.
I believe the portrait was redone by Trevor Grove.
lolllllll @ people comparing the Hot Toys ''toy'' to this.Theres no comparaison.
Exactly. I think it's pretty funny how the same guy has voiced his opinion several dozen times as if maybe he says the Hot Toys TOY is better than the maquette enough times, he just might actually believe it one day lolololololYep, you know who you are *jinx*
....several dozen times!?...not even!..and thanks for the not-so subtle mention!...I thought u were gunning for Tyler but I guess I'm too popular to be ignored!..aww, shucks!
.....and FYI, I believe it with all my black heart that the HT TOY is waaay better than the SS version..![]()
Yes it was Thank God.
No offense against Sosa but his original sculpt was horrid. I'm telling you with a proper repaint it would shine outstandingly.
Probably so its easier to send off for a repaint to show off Trevor's immaculate sculpt.