Freaked Out
Amazing detail, very nice piece. A must have for Iron Man enthusiast.
That would be my only nit pick too.
Here's a few photos of mine.
My opinion on this piece is this: It's not even close to movie accurate. That said, there isn't a better Mark I statue available to me, and there may not ever be one, so I went ahead and jumped back on the waitlist after it started shipping. ( I canceled this statue months ago).
I've never been a fan of the pose. But what it lacks for me visually, it partially makes up for in all the little details; wires, gears, belts, tanks etc. The portrait, while not screaming RDJ to me, is a very very nice face sculpt, one of the best from Sideshow.
So, yeah, I like it for what it is, but as soon as a better product lands, this one will be out the door. :rays for true SWS/Legacy Mark I in 1:3 scale...are you listening Cinemaquette??::
ComputerFly you have bested me in pictures once again!!
Well at least I still have more IM in my collection!
Surprised to hear today that my waitlist for the exclusive got converted -
I only just got on the list 4 days ago. Given that, why are the exclusives
selling on ebay for about $100 more than retail?