Broke and happy
I'm like very disappointed.
Here's where I stand right now.
No Iron Man because FOR ME, $2,000 not worth it because of the somewhat boring presentation and maybe the weight but more on that later.
Superman at $2,000 + might not be worth it because he's only 29", smaller than Thor! He's got the exciting dynamic pose that IM is missing but he so deserved IM's 40" height especially at that price point!
The Marvel girls, all look good but none fit into my collection. Mystique is sure awesome though.
Venom looks good, maybe a purchase to go along with Spiderman PF.
Dio's i'm not into whatsoever.
So guess what I ended up buying at the end of it all.....actually...rebuying because I had cancelled a few weeks back.
Galactus bust was a knockout for me so it's been repurchased.....
Superman I hope will be my one big purchase because I do believe they will fix the missing S on the cape but I need to get past his height issue! To me, he looks bigger than 29" in the videos I've seen.
I don't mean to be so harsh on IM, he doesn't look bad that's for sure. But for $2,000, is he exciting enough? The pose bothers me more than his weight. One of his hands should've been raised and open. Regarding the weight....at the end of the day I guess a mix of technology keeping his weight down isn't such a bad thing, keeps the shipping cost down. But couldn't he have been 26lbs.....