I actually agree with Val here, your kind of stupid for handeling it the way you have. And this thread is only serving to make things worse. Either he's stalking you and its a matter for the police, or hes a shy kid that liked you. Either way I think your coming off as the crazier of the two with some of the reactions I've read.
I had a beard a year ago and was coming out of a midnight screening of Back to the Future, I was walking to my car and happened to be behind a girl who kept looking back at me, I smiled to try and reassure her because I could tell she was getting nervous and then she started to speed up, when she looked back again, I had my keys in plane sight and locked my car which was a few cards in front of her so it honked and she got the idea, she stopped and apologised and we had a laugh. My point is I suspect that happens almost nightly in the city. I understand being catious but frankly, its insulting to guys as well to think we just can't wait to rape you.
A shy kid who left the library when she left (although he said he was staying for awhile), followed her home pretending to be on his cell, stood outside her apartment building, knocked on her door-- and all after getting such specific personal info (which lesson learned hopefully won't happen again with a complete stranger)...?
I'm sorry, but you (as a male who can grow a mountain man beard) don't have any clue what this girl went through... and furthermore she has every right to express her fear or seek a friendly voice here because as some of you are seemingly unaware most of the people here feel that although we are separated by many miles and even borders, this is a community.
I started a thread a few years ago after coming home (with my then two-year old in my arms) to find my front door kicked in and my home burglarized... Did I start the thread immediately? No. Did I use it to express my anger and seek helpful advice from others (similar to say finding a scorpion in a bathtub)?-- Yes. It was a good outlet and I received good support-- My situation got resolved-- I hope that this situation is resolved as well, but if it's still ongoing then this is a safe place for reassurance (especially for someone who may feel isolated).
Every guy has had that moment when he knew a girl (usually late at night walking down the street or in a parking lot) was nervous because of his presence--- Maybe some guys need to try and walk a mile in high heels (don't take that literally Valfar-- I can see you now walking up and down Church Street

if that isn't already a usual Wednesday evening for you) before they start to judge the merits of someone who needed to start this thread.
Let's keep things positive and hopefully this was just a misunderstanding. The authorities have been informed and now Skytteflickan88 has learned a valuable lesson about revealing too much to strangers... and to quote Coleridge--
A sadder and a wiser (wo)man,
(S)he rose the morrow morn.