IM3 VS Man of Steel Poll

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What Movie do u like better Man of Steel or IM3

  • Man of Steel

    Votes: 110 80.3%
  • Ironman 3

    Votes: 27 19.7%

  • Total voters
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
the Evergreen State
What superhero movie did you enjoy more Ironman 3 or Man of Steel? IM3 was well received by critics, whereas man of steel is hovering around the 50% mark. I completely disagree with critics on this one and feel the scores should be reversed for the respective movies. Anyhow I am curious which movie fellow freaks and movie aficionado's preferred.
Rottentomatoes' score is kind of useless to me. I used to pay attention to it, but if you are simply lumping reviews into good vs. bad then the percentages don't tell me much. My guess is that a lot of reviewers were kind of on the fence for both of these, and for Supermen a few more just fell on the side saying they disliked it more than they liked it.

I can't vote as I won't be able to see Superman for probably another week or two.
I honestly think I like Superman Returns more than Iron Drone.

Iron Drone is better than Superman III & IV, though.
I'll take the character driven film that's Iron Man 3 over Man of Steel.
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They have. Believe me. They have.

When can we do This is The End vs. Man of Steel? :lol (TITE actually has more character development and heart..:lol)
Hate to say, but I agree with Nova. People are just throwing out anything to make a poll these days. Both are superhero movies, but one borderlines on being a spy/thriller and the other flirts with being more space opera than superhero.

That being said, my vote goes to MoS. This movie made itself a Superman movie using all the familiar mechanics without using them in a familiar way.
IM3 was a very smart movie and I love that they decided to go a new direction even if it wasn't one I was enamored with, but MoS is a juggernaut imo and I'll probably watch it as much on BR as IM1, Avengers, and the Nolan Bat flicks. Yep!
They have. Believe me. They have.

When can we do This is The End vs. Man of Steel? :lol (TITE actually has more character development and heart..:lol)

Well for starters both films in the poll are comic book movies, and are classified in the same genre. Comparing a pure comedy to an action movie like MoS or IM3 makes absolutely no sense. The end vs hangover 3 makes a hell of a lot more sense. Anyhow do u typically compare movies from different genres against one another?