Yeah, the Endor troops look off to me. I was thinking of picking up a couple (Nik and the one shown above) but I'll probably end up passing. By the time these are out I'm sure there will be so much other stuff coming that they seem a little bland.
I like Plo Kloon, I think his headsculpt is really awesome. I wonder if they changed anything about his outfit yet.
I for one think the Rebels and Plo look better and Asajj worse. Her robes and dress aren't as shabby looking - probably reflects the production figure look. Plo's pants are now brown -much better looking. I think the rebels look even better before TF I was considering cancelling them, but now I'm going to try everything I can to keep them.
I think the soldiers look nice and I would have liked to get them, but being on a budget and having bigger priorities than my Star Wars collecting, it pains me a little to say that, I had to cancel the soldiers. If money weren't an issue, I would gladly add them in, they're nice pieces, but in my current situation I'm being forced to focus on more mainstream characters like Plo and Asajj.