Images from Rebelscum

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The Earl of Dunfield said:

If you want "movie accurate", then you'll have to display him with the robe on, just like the pic that the Earl posted above. I don't think I've seen a pic of him without it.
Wasn't this a wardrobe test shot? Not sure, I would love to see some screen shots if there are any. :D
mfoga said:
Could you provide a CLEAR capture from the movies of under tunics?
Not sure, but Lucasfilm has TONS of hi-res reference photos of TPM/AOTC Plo Koon both with and without the outer robe. And, yes, I asked... it was for a previous unrelated project. Unfortunately, I never needed the Plo Koon images so I didn't get them (though if I did I still wouldn't be able to post them).

In any case, there are reference pics of Plo Koon's costume from TPM/AOTC that could have been used (where do you think GG and Hasbro got them?) instead of leveraging an unused concept design from the Art of ROTS book. But oh well. The sculpt is still spot-on.
My whole things is people who SCREAM its not screen acurate but it seems like good clear screen captures are very hard to find. From what I can find it seems like he never had his robe off so who the hell knows what they look like under the robe. So unless the robe is wrong no one can really say that its wrong.
FlyAndFight said:
If you want "movie accurate", then you'll have to display him with the robe on, just like the pic that the Earl posted above. I don't think I've seen a pic of him without it.

He didn't have it on in the arena battle in AOTC. He was walked back into the group of Jedi in the middle on the ring and didn't have it on then.
mfoga said:
My whole things is people who SCREAM its not screen acurate but it seems like good clear screen captures are very hard to find. From what I can find it seems like he never had his robe off so who the hell knows what they look like under the robe. So unless the robe is wrong no one can really say that its wrong.

But they're saying it's wrong because he never wore that under the robes in ANY of the movies... it's from an unused concept design for ROTS.

Further, Hasbro, Gentle Giant and other licensees have produced Plo Koon figures and busts that use the Jedi tunic under the robe that was actually worn in the film(s). Sure, you might not be able to see them too well in the final cuts, but they're there. And LFL has the reference photos... which is how GG, Hasbro and the like knew what to do.

Sideshow, for whatever their reasons (could have been to resuse the Mace clothing to cut costs or could have been for artistic reasons) decided to go their own route. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing... but this 1:6 Plo Koon figure does feature a Jedi costume that was never worn by the character in ANY of the movies. That's pretty important to some people, apparently.
I don't even belive that they are incorrect from the other photos with the robe on. In the RS photos they look like they are on losely. If they are pulled down to fit better that would create the V like the other photo and with so little of the tunic being shown in that photo you cant tell.
mfoga said:
I don't even belive that they are incorrect from the other photos with the robe on. In the RS photos they look like they are on losely. If they are pulled down to fit better that would create the V like the other photo and with so little of the tunic being shown in that photo you cant tell.

I agree. I think that SS is correct to what he wore but since we did not see it in the movies it's not a guarantee by anymeans.
Hey, I'm cool with it actually. And I for one think the figure looks tremendous can can't wait to have him. Just sayin...
Darth Waller said:


Looks like a tabbard futz will do the trick?

btw, I want to thank RS for those great new shots of the Obi V Anakin Diorama.
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galactiboy said:
Hey Dave, any chance you could post some nice clear shots of the new Aliens Warrior and Powerloader... these seem to be pretty scarce :monkey2

I have something like 300 more SSC pics to go up on Cool Toy Review> Dan and I are just about to head out to the Diamond beer fest, er, press event. WE'll be back at work adding more images after that. We're down to 2 hours sleep a night, so please bear with us a little longer :)
I have something like 300 more SSC pics to go up on Cool Toy Review> Dan and I are just about to head out to the Diamond beer fest, er, press event. WE'll be back at work adding more images after that. We're down to 2 hours sleep a night, so please bear with us a little longer :)

Sweet! I've been checking that site as well. Thanks!
galactiboy said:
Sweet! I've been checking that site (cooltoyreview) as well. Thanks!

Me too, and a big Thanks to Rebelscum and the guys working for the website, who always are the first to show us everything new!:chew