Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'
I did get to thinking about it, though, and, to be completely honest, I'm not sure how I feel about all the attention the trio set is getting. I feel like, in some ways, it's undermining the importance of The Cowboy figure, as a release. I don't want anyone to misinterpret this, so I'll just lay it out on the table, now; I'm glad they are reissuing the figure for those of you who missed out, and I have no qualms with that fact. This isn't about edition size, but it is about significance.
A few of the first posts I saw when the trio set was announced went something like this.
User 1: "That's awesome, but what about those who already own The Cowboy?"
User 2: "Well, you could always sell him to help fund the new release."
Basically, the feeling I'm getting from this stuff is that "The Cowboy" is outdated. I'm can't help but think that there are a lot of Cowboy's going up for sale to fund the trio, and that's part of the reason why this concerns me. I was thinking about it, and, as far as packaging goes, I don't give a damn. If it saves money on shipping, more power to you. At the end of the day, it's about the figures, but what concerns me is the stuff about "special items."
I don't think it's intentional, but it's basically rendering every Cowboy figure out there that wasn't a DX obsolete. "Sell it and get the new one with the bonus stuff." I have a problem with that for one simple reason: The Cowboy came first. Dane, Ankit, Trevor, and Denny and his team all put lots of time and effort into making The Cowboy the landmark release that it was, and I really do mean landmark; I think it was a massive leap in the right direction for Denny and Co., and, now, it's being shoved aside in favor of the new version with "bonus accessories." What people need to remember is that, without that original release, there wouldn't be nearly as much interest for Tuco and Angel Eyes, and there would be no trio sets.
Frankly, I think it's doing the release a disservice, and I also believe that it's threatening the integrity of future releases. What happens when The Wizard of Oz fans that are super-excited for Dorothy start second guessing their decision because they intended to buy all of the figures in the line, anyway, and, if they buy her on her own, they might miss out on the special stuff that comes with the whole set later on down the line. That might not be the case, but I'd hazard a guess that it'll cross some minds down the line.
What I'm trying to say is that the only special item in that trio set should be The Cowboy. There's your selling point. I get that it's expensive, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the secondary market. Am I saying to get rid of the special items? No, I am not, but don't alienate your old market for being loyal to the original release, especially when they've all been so accepting about not alienating the new customers who want a Cowboy. Simple solution: you offer the option for the new boots to owners of the original Cowboy set; it doesn't affect me, as I like the boots, but I'm sure there are others out there who would appreciate the opportunity, and, as far as the secret item goes, offer it to people who purchased all three characters. If you were there for The Cowboy in the beginning, and you got Tuco and Angel Eyes on their own, you get the item; if you bought the Trio, you get the item. It may seem like something little, but it'd go a long way in helping older customers feel appreciated and maintaining the integrity of the original release. Just some good for thought.