Super Freak
On future projects Denny has already stated that the limitations on Dx will be dictated more by demand than by edition size. I think you will see less collectors left out in the cold and therefore less likelihood of recasts being an issue.
That's the best news I've heard come from Imimime.
Denny said it was cut to make the hatted version. But there are those 3 unpainted that Trevor gifted ---Again my personal opinion. These were very personal and special gifts from Trev, when asked for more hatless Clints in future releases , Denny has said the original was destroyed when Trev cut the forehead for the hatted version. Could'nt one of these be used for future casts ?
That's a very good point! I remember reading somewhere in the original cowboy thread that the hatless could no longer be offered because the sculpt was significantly altered and eventually destroyed in casting, but then 3 of them show up gifted and unpainted?

I haven't seen any of Kato's stuff replicated. lol
Copying a headsculpt and copying tailored clothing to exact specifications are two entirely different skill sets.
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