[iminime] (The Cowboy), The Bounty Hunter & The Bandit

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The rock with no name. :lol

Already got the rock, just a stone I found in the street.

I have good news and bad news...

the bad news is the large box for the colleciton set is not likely to happen. Denny had an issue procuring them and its not going to be ready...
A box is a box is a box. it's the goodies inside that count! :D

because, the good news... the trio is still on a may release schedule. THey are up next now that the Bride has shipped.

That's not good news, that's GREAT news!!!
U gotta admit it wouldve been cool though to have a sexy box as well no?

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The only time I see my old boxes is when I put my new boxes up in the roof next to the old ones, so box can be plain brown cardboard for me. :)

PS, it's May.... :D
The only time I see my old boxes is when I put my new boxes up in the roof next to the old ones, so box can be plain brown cardboard for me. :)

PS, it's May.... :D

Cant wait, I wonder if it will be early or late May when we see them rolling out :dunno

I think iminime should just add slip covers to their boxes, with maybe photography done by Wake, to make the boxes well less minimalist shall we say.
I'm thinking late May for this, since it's three figures, and all of them were apparently good sellers.
Denny mentioned that he didnt factor in many South Korean holidays that fall on work days this year when the schedule was created. It may actually be delayed to early june.
Denny mentioned that he didnt factor in many South Korean holidays that fall on work days this year when the schedule was created. It may actually be delayed to early june.

Take your time... Do a good job...its a a grail set for me... :) ...
Denny mentioned that he didnt factor in many South Korean holidays that fall on work days this year when the schedule was created. It may actually be delayed to early june.

Noooooo! Can't say I didn't want them in May haha but totally understand!
Denny mentioned that he didnt factor in many South Korean holidays that fall on work days this year when the schedule was created. It may actually be delayed to early june.

Yeah no rush needed, this is my most anticipated pick up of the year, so they can take all the time they want.
As long as its not delayed till July. :lol
No word on the boots. DOn't think it will be offered. I think the best course for those of you who want that would be to contact Denny directly.
No word on the boots. DOn't think it will be offered. I think the best course for those of you who want that would be to contact Denny directly.

K, thanks for the update, any news on the secret items for the guys who bought the original Cowboy and then ther bounty Hunter and bandit?
The figures are being assembled.

They look awesome. Is that a different paintjob on Blondie, though? I'll be curious to see side-by-side pics from folks who have both, as Masterworks continues to improve in terms of quality.