No problem at all! Im here to answer questions!
Ok, sorry for the confusion... here's the answer. will handle any and all North American AND Sideshow Freaks Forum orders. Exclusively. You could order through Iminime, but the money will be refunded or transferred back to Cinemascale and so will the responsibility of customer service.
Cinemascale will sometimes have exclusive items available only through cinema scale (much in the way that sideshow works). Broad releases will go up at the same time or within a few hours of each other. Cinemascale will make ALL of the normal Imnime releases available through the website.
The costs of shipping are the same for you. Iminime will see a slight reduction (very minor) in their shipping costs to the US because instead of shipping 30 individual boxes they are shipping one or two large one to a central address where they will be distributed from there.
Additionally hopefully cinemascale customers will benefit from having immediate answers to questions and concerns (kind of like these!

Just answered this above, but to reiterate... YES to all releases and configurations.
Yes. Still have to get pricing on this.
That would require printing the fabric pattern which for orders of less than 1,000 yards is impossible and/or cost prohibitive. Unfortunately that is a limitation of NOT being mass produced.
I don't know the answer to this. I suspect when Denny reads the reaction he will gauge wether or not to make the call here.
I need to discuss some of your questions with Denny to give you the precise answers your want. To my knowledge:
1. DX would entail a separate HS and I do NOT believe either Angel Eyes or Tuco will have that.
2. The inhouse project isn't any cheaper, contrary to popular belief. It's just different.
Yes, the one you pre-ordered. LOL. Relax, Yuanmei, you are covered!
I answered this above!