This issue should be brought up and find a solution so that it should not happen again.
I saw on ebay that he's sold a few dozens of this DX sculpt already, its not fair to the buyers/owners of the DX set and a slap to the collecting community.
Playing Devil's Advocate:
Lets say Hector did send off the HS to get recasted.
A: He got $300 dollars for renting out the HS.
B. Recaster already made his money back and is now profiting.
and none of that Money went into the Artist's pocket (Except for the DX Figure at retail of course)
I'm using this example, not to cast blame (Pun intended), but to open the Artists eyes.
I'm sure no collector wants to see a Head Sculpt recasted.
To all the painters out there they can care less. They can buy one on the cheap and paint it.
- If you are going to make a Second HS just make it available for everyone that wants one.
- Continue to offer it unpainted through the Cinemascale website.
- If you don't want to be in the business of recasting by offering HS indefinitely, then sell the rights to recast to someone out there.
- A DX item should be more complex ( PF Suitcase, Gurney, Alternate clothing,)
You can only get mad at something for so long before it becomes the norm.
Thats where we are with these recasted HS at the moment. Just look at
Q's Ebay and just look at all the recasted HS in there - SMDH
You can blacklist Hector (If it was him), but I have a feeling it won't stop Q from getting his hands on these HS.
Having said all this I am not accusing Hector nor am I defending him.
I am one that believes if you get called out on something you should man-up to it and take it.
I lay more blame on the business model for not adapting.
I end this post with the following disclaimer.
*** I do not in any way support recasters, by purchasing their work or having the artists work recasted. I will continue to pay higher prices for the artist's work so it can support their way of living and so they can continue to provide us with these awesome figures****